Elevate Your Android App with Powerful Push Notifications via Appery.io

Hey there, fellow app developers! Want to keep your users engaged? Push notifications are the perfect way to grab their attention. Today, in our new video tutorial, we’ll guide you through setting up push notifications for Android apps using Appery.io. Let’s dive in!

Here’s a short plan of actions:

Step 1: Create a New Application

First, launch Appery.io and create a new application. Go to Project > App settings > Cordova plugins and enable the Push Notification plugin to get started.

Step 2: Configure Push Settings

Exit the editor and head to the Push Notifications Settings section. Toggle the Enable Push Notification option. Then, we need to specify a database to store device identifiers.

Step 3: Set Up a Database

Navigate to the Databases tab and create a new database. By default, Appery.io provides the predefined Devices collection for storing device IDs and tokens.

Step 4: Link Firebase to Your App

Push notifications on Android require Firebase. You need to get two files:

1.  google-services.json

2. Firebase Admin SDK JSON

So, head to the Firebase console to create a Firebase account if you don’t already have one. Set up a new project and register your Android app. Grab the package name from the Android Settings in Appery.io and enter it into Firebase.

Step 5: Download and Upload Files

Download the `google-services.json` file from Firebase:

And upload it to your Push Notification Settings in Appery.io:

Then, click Next and follow the steps in Firebase to get the Admin SDK file and upload it to Appery.io.

Step 6: Generate Your APK

With everything configured, generate your binary APK file:

Step 7: Test Your Application

Scan the generated code to install the APK on your device:

Launch the app and grant permission to receive push notifications:

Minimize the app, refresh the Devices collection in your database, and you’ll see a new entry for your device:


Step 8: Sending Push Notifications

Go to the Push Notification Sending section in Appery.io. Specify the type of device (Android), and customize the notifications sending options of your message:

Send the test notification and watch it appear on your app’s icon:


And there you have it! You’ve successfully set up push notifications for your Android app using Appery.io. Stay tuned for more tutorials on setting up notifications for iOS, associating devices with users, and sending notifications from Appery.io Server Code.

Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share this post if you found it helpful! Happy coding!

Feel free to leave any questions in the comments below. We’re here to help!

Ultimate Blueprint: Unlocking the Magic of Appery.io Themes with Ease

Creating an app that stands out in the vast sea of mobile apps can seem daunting. However, with Appery.io‘s versatile theme management features, customizing your app’s look and feel becomes not just effortless but exciting. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to work with themes in Appery.io, ensuring your app not only functions perfectly but also visually captivates your audience.

Step 1: Explore the Default Theme

  • Navigate to the Themes folder under the Project tab.
  • Inspect the Main Colors section to understand the color palette, including the primary color, of the default theme. This serves as a solid foundation for your app’s aesthetic.

Step 2: Customize Your Theme

  • Leverage the Theme Generator editor within Appery.io to adjust the main colors of your theme. This intuitive tool allows for easy selection and configuration through a color picker tool.
  • Directly input color codes if you’re matching a specific palette, enabling quick alignment with your brand or desired look.

Step 3: Expanding Your Theme Collection

  • To add more diversity or support different user interfaces, like a dark mode, create new themes. Choose CREATE NEW > Theme and select your base design.
  • Embrace modern trends, such as the dark mode, by selecting it during your new theme creation. This addition caters to user preferences and system settings.

Step 4: Implement Dynamic Theme Changes

  • Elevate user interaction by incorporating dynamic theme changes through actionable elements like buttons.
  • Navigate to the button’s EVENTS tab, select the Run TypeScript action, and input the following code to change themes dynamically upon a button Click action: this.$a.setTheme("Default");.

Step 5: Personalization with CSS Classes

  • Customize themes to cater to various user groups or corporate identities using CSS classes. Assign thematic behaviors to UI components for a tailored user experience.
  • Utilize the Extra SCSS section within a theme to apply unique classes or data, offering a versatile approach to app personalization.

  • When done, assign this class to the needed UI component.

Testing and Application

  • Remember to preview your app under different themes using the Theme Preview selector to ensure your design aligns with your vision.

  • Apply your global theme across all app pages for consistency or set condition-based themes for varied experiences.

Discover More on YouTube

For a more in-depth exploration of each step and visual guidance, our YouTube channel offers the detailed video tutorial. Witness firsthand the power of theme customization in Appery.io by watching our dedicated video on how to work with themes. This resource is invaluable for grasping the practical aspects and unlocking advanced techniques to elevate your app’s design.


Why Choose Appery.io?

Appery.io isn’t just a tool; it’s a gateway to realizing your most ambitious app ideas. With its user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and robust support system including our YouTube channel, you’re equipped to create visually stunning apps that resonate with users and stand the test of time. Let Appery.io be your partner in the journey from concept to creation, and transform your app vision into reality with themes that express the essence of your idea.

Unlock the full potential of your mobile app with Appery.io – where innovative design meets functionality. Subscribe to our YouTube channel today and stay updated with the latest tips, tricks, and insights in app development with Appery.io. Your dream app is just a theme away!

Appery.io: Spreading Love and Empowerment to Women in Tech

On this special Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate love, empowerment, and innovation that come from Appery.io! ❤️💻 This revolutionary platform is not only reshaping the tech industry but also spreading love and empowerment to women in tech. Join us as we explore how Appery.io is paving the way for women to lead and thrive in the world of technology.

Breaking Boundaries with Love

Love knows no boundaries, and neither does Appery.io! With its user-friendly platform and commitment to inclusivity, Appery.io is breaking down barriers and making technology accessible to everyone. This Valentine’s Day, let’s spread love and empower women to turn their tech dreams into reality with Appery.io‘s innovative tools and resources.

Nurturing Creativity with Passion

At the heart of Appery.io lies a passion for creativity and innovation. This Valentine’s Day, let’s harness that passion to inspire women to unleash their creativity and build groundbreaking applications that make a difference in the world. With Appery.io‘s intuitive interface and powerful low-code and no-code features, the possibilities are endless!

Creating a Supportive Community with Compassion

Love and compassion go hand in hand, and our team is dedicated to creating a supportive community where women can thrive. This Valentine’s Day, let’s come together to support and uplift one another as we navigate the world of tech. Through networking events, mentorship programs, and educational resources, Appery.io is spreading love and building a community where everyone belongs.

Inspiring Future Leaders with Hope

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, let’s also celebrate hope for the future. With Appery.io, the future of tech is bright and full of possibilities. This Valentine’s Day, let’s inspire the next generation of female leaders in tech and empower them to pursue their dreams with confidence and determination. Together, we can shape a more diverse, inclusive, and innovative future for tech.

In conclusion, this Valentine’s Day, let’s spread love, empowerment, and innovation. Join us as we celebrate the power of love to break boundaries, nurture creativity, create supportive communities, and inspire future leaders in tech.

Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us, at Appery.io! ❤️💻


SMTP Settings For Confirmation Email Delivery: A How-To Guide

Hello, Appery.io users!

Recently, we released a video introducing our latest Starter App template, sparking numerous inquiries about configuring SMTP server settings for sending confirmation emails. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve created a comprehensive YouTube tutorial demonstrating the process. For illustration, we’ll utilize the app built from the beloved Appery.io‘s Starter App template:

Below, for your convenience, we’ll additionally walk you through the process step by step for easy understanding.

Step 1. Configuring SMTP Settings: Set up SMTP server settings by enabling 2-step verification in your Google account settings. Then, generate an app-specific password.

Step 2. Accessing App Builder: Head over to the Appery.io App Builder and create a new app using the Starter App template. Go to the Server Code tab and open the StarterLib library.

Step 3. Defining Email Confirmation: In the library, define email as the confirmation type. Enter your email address, paste the app-specific password you just generated, and fill in the from values. Save the changes.

SMTP Configuration Settings

Step 4. Testing the Configuration: Click TEST in the App Builder to ensure everything works smoothly. Fill in the registration details in the app, check your inbox for the verification code, and copy it. 

Step 5. Confirming Registration: Paste the verification code into the app to complete registration. Verify the user record has been added to the app database to ensure accuracy.

Step 6. Final: Log into the app to verify successful registration and explore its features. You’ve now configured SMTP settings for confirmation emails!

Conclusion: That’s it for our guide on configuring SMTP server settings with Appery.io. Stay tuned for our next video where we will show how to set up Twilio for confirmation messages.

Try our Starter App Template and subscribe to our channel for more updates.

Thank you for using Appery.io and Happy Developing!

Your Appery.io Team

Have Appery-related questions? Ask them on Stackoverflow!

Dear Appery.io Users,

Since recently, our customers have started complaining about issues with registration/login into our forum. Therefore, we have decided to introduce yet another open channel where you are free to ask any Appery.io-related question(s) you might have: Stackoverflow. 

Stackoverflow is one of the most popular and renown platforms where anybody can ask for an advice on any programming issue. Where hundreds of users find answers to their questions daily and thousands of experts are happy to provide their colleagues with useful recommendations and examples.

Is is truly a huge community and from now on, we encourage you to post your questions (like those on Appery.io Platform, App Builder, Appery.io plug-ins, etc.) there instead of using forum.

Please make sure you use the tag <Appery> or <appery.io> while posting so that our experts from Support Team (as well as other users that can be of help) could answer them ASAP to our mutual satisfaction:


We hope this will help to remove any barriers to effective communication and make getting professional help as easy and productive as possible.

And as usual, we offer more ways for you to get help. Please check this link to learn how to reach to our Support Team for help.

Lots of love on St. Valentine’s Day!

Your Appery.io Team


How To Add Twitter Login to Ionic 4 Apps | Appery.io

We’ve added a new Twitter Login plug-in that allows users to log in to your Appery.io application with Twitter credentials. Check out our new tutorial to learn how to install the plug-in to your web or mobile app.

How To Add Custom Pop-Ups to Ionic 4 Apps | Appery.io

Check out our new tutorial that shows you how to add custom pop-ups to your Appery.io app. You can add error or success messages, custom notifications, prompt windows, and more — all by installing the SweetAlert2 module to your app.

How to Add Apple ID Login to Ionic 4 Apps | Appery.io

Appery.io allows developers to create apps that support sign in with Apple ID. To add this feature to your application, you simply need to install and configure our new Login with Apple plug-in.

Managing Android and iOS Certificates on the Appery.io Platform

To publish your Appery.io apps on the App Store and Google Play, you need iOS and Android certificates. These documents validate that you are a trusted developer and your application is secure to use. Watch our latest video to learn how to create such certificates.

New Appery.io Customizable Plans and Website

Not only have revamped our website, we’ve got some great added options for customizing new and existing Beginners, Pro, Team and Ultimate Appery.io plans!

Appery.io now has new Plan Customization Options, allowing you to make changes to key aspects of your account and see the cost immediately, before you place your order. You can now mix and match exactly the parameters you need to get the perfect plan for your needs.

Here are some of the highlights from our new customizable plan options:

  • Beginner Plan: 12 screens per app, not just 5
  • Pro, Team, Ultimate Plans: Up to 50 developer seats, whatever you need
  • Pro, Team, Ultimate Plans: Up to 50 apps in one account

If you’re looking for more detailed info on how we’ve changed the individual plans, please visit the Plans and Pricing Page on our brand new website. If our new level of customization still isn’t enough for you, get in touch with support, and we can discuss additional options that fit your needs.

Are you looking for development help from our team of experts? We’ve got you covered with new Support Pack options. Under our old system you only had the choice of 8 or 40 hours of assistance, but now you can choose from 5, 8, 16, 24 AND 40 hour Support Packs. We trust that these additional options will help you get the support you need to realize your app. If you need more than 40 hours of support please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team.

We’re genuinely excited to offer these new changes to our website, Support Pack options, and plan customization. Whether you were hitting the limits on the old plans and needed to upgrade, new to our platform and wondering how to get the right amount of expert assistance, or anywhere in between, we’re here to help you effectively and efficiently develop the apps that you’ve envisioned. We can’t wait to see how you put the new and improved Appery.io to work for you.