Spreading Love and Empowerment to Women in Tech

On this special Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate love, empowerment, and innovation that come from! ❤️💻 This revolutionary platform is not only reshaping the tech industry but also spreading love and empowerment to women in tech. Join us as we explore how is paving the way for women to lead and thrive in the world of technology.

Breaking Boundaries with Love

Love knows no boundaries, and neither does! With its user-friendly platform and commitment to inclusivity, is breaking down barriers and making technology accessible to everyone. This Valentine’s Day, let’s spread love and empower women to turn their tech dreams into reality with‘s innovative tools and resources.

Nurturing Creativity with Passion

At the heart of lies a passion for creativity and innovation. This Valentine’s Day, let’s harness that passion to inspire women to unleash their creativity and build groundbreaking applications that make a difference in the world. With‘s intuitive interface and powerful low-code and no-code features, the possibilities are endless!

Creating a Supportive Community with Compassion

Love and compassion go hand in hand, and our team is dedicated to creating a supportive community where women can thrive. This Valentine’s Day, let’s come together to support and uplift one another as we navigate the world of tech. Through networking events, mentorship programs, and educational resources, is spreading love and building a community where everyone belongs.

Inspiring Future Leaders with Hope

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, let’s also celebrate hope for the future. With, the future of tech is bright and full of possibilities. This Valentine’s Day, let’s inspire the next generation of female leaders in tech and empower them to pursue their dreams with confidence and determination. Together, we can shape a more diverse, inclusive, and innovative future for tech.

In conclusion, this Valentine’s Day, let’s spread love, empowerment, and innovation. Join us as we celebrate the power of love to break boundaries, nurture creativity, create supportive communities, and inspire future leaders in tech.

Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us, at! ❤️💻


SMTP Settings For Confirmation Email Delivery: A How-To Guide

Hello, users!

Recently, we released a video introducing our latest Starter App template, sparking numerous inquiries about configuring SMTP server settings for sending confirmation emails. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve created a comprehensive YouTube tutorial demonstrating the process. For illustration, we’ll utilize the app built from the beloved‘s Starter App template:

Below, for your convenience, we’ll additionally walk you through the process step by step for easy understanding.

Step 1. Configuring SMTP Settings: Set up SMTP server settings by enabling 2-step verification in your Google account settings. Then, generate an app-specific password.

Step 2. Accessing App Builder: Head over to the App Builder and create a new app using the Starter App template. Go to the Server Code tab and open the StarterLib library.

Step 3. Defining Email Confirmation: In the library, define email as the confirmation type. Enter your email address, paste the app-specific password you just generated, and fill in the from values. Save the changes.

SMTP Configuration Settings

Step 4. Testing the Configuration: Click TEST in the App Builder to ensure everything works smoothly. Fill in the registration details in the app, check your inbox for the verification code, and copy it. 

Step 5. Confirming Registration: Paste the verification code into the app to complete registration. Verify the user record has been added to the app database to ensure accuracy.

Step 6. Final: Log into the app to verify successful registration and explore its features. You’ve now configured SMTP settings for confirmation emails!

Conclusion: That’s it for our guide on configuring SMTP server settings with Stay tuned for our next video where we will show how to set up Twilio for confirmation messages.

Try our Starter App Template and subscribe to our channel for more updates.

Thank you for using and Happy Developing!

Your Team

How to Build a ChatGPT App with’s OpenAI Assistant Chat Plugin

Creating an app with advanced AI chat capabilities might sound challenging, but it’s surprisingly easy with Let’s walk through the process of utilizing the OpenAI Assistant Chat plugin to bring AI to life in your next app.

Here is our new how-to video that illustrates the power of AI combined with possibilities:

But if you’d rather read to follow the instructions step-by-step, please check below.

1. Start Your Project

First things first, you need a home for your new AI creation:

  • Sign In to Head over to, sign in, or set up a new account if you’re stepping in for the first time.
  • Create Your App: Click Create new app. Choose your app type—like Ionic blank—name it, and hit Create. Now, you’re set up.

2. Add the Magic Ingredient: OpenAI Assistant Chat Plugin

This plugin is your key to easy AI integration:

  • Go to Plugins: Inside your project, click CREATE NEW > From Plugin to open the Catalog of plugins.
  • Find and Add the Plugin: Search for the OpenAI Assistant Chat plugin. Click Import selected plugins to add it to your app.

3. Key Configurations: API Key and Assistant ID

These essentials connect your app with OpenAI’s brainpower:

  • Secure an API Key from OpenAI: Visit the OpenAI site, sign up or log in, and navigate to obtain your API key. This key is your app’s passport to AI land.
  • Create Your AI Assistant: This step is integral. Creating an assistant on OpenAI provides you with an Assistant ID – think of this as giving your app its own AI personality.
  • Input Your Credentials in Back in, within the plugin settings, there’s a spot waiting for your API key and that shiny new Assistant ID. Fill these in to forge the link between your app and OpenAI’s capabilities.

4. Make It Yours

Now for the fun part. Tailor the plugin to fit your app’s vibe:

  • Adjust the Looks: With‘s easy drag-and-drop, you can tweak the plugin’s appearance so it meshes well with your app.
  • Set Up AI Functions: Decide what your AI should do. This could be answering customer queries, giving recommendations, or having a chat. Configure away to align with your vision.

5. Test Your Creation

Before releasing your app into the wild, you need to see it in action:

  • Run a Test: has built-in testing to trial how the AI responds and integrates with your app.

  • Tweak if Needed: Testing might reveal some tweaks are in order. No problem. Adjust and test again until it’s just right.

6. Launch Time

Your AI chat app is ready to meet its audience:

  • Deploy It: With a few clicks in, you can deploy your app across the preferred platforms.
  • Iterate Based on Feedback: Once your app is out there, listen to how users find the AI and refine it further based on their insights.


Bringing AI into your app shouldn’t be daunting. With and its OpenAI Assistant Chat plugin, it’s not just easy but also fun. This combo lets you leap into the future of app development, focusing on creating unforgettable user experiences rather than fretting over-complicated code.

So, why wait? Dive into today, and start crafting the kind of AI-powered app that users will love.

By simplifying the process into manageable steps, this guide is designed to promote an approachable and enjoyable foray into AI-powered app development for creators at any skill level, focusing on the practical application of`s OpenAI Assistant Chat plugin.

Google reCAPTCHA Now on Boost Your Site Security:

In the fast-paced app world, safety is crucial. At, we’re thrilled to introduce Google reCAPTCHA plugins for added web app protection.

About Google reCAPTCHA: Quick Overview

Google reCAPTCHA is a strong tool to tell real users from bots, adding an extra security layer. It stops spam and guards your sites from fake activities.

Easy Integration with Simple and Effective

Our App Builder now easily adds Google reCAPTCHA plugins, both version 2 and version 3. To start, sign up with Google reCAPTCHA to get unique keys, ensuring a secure and personalized app integration.

Why Go for reCAPTCHA Plugins on

  1. Strong Defense: Shield your web app using advanced security from Google reCAPTCHA.

  2. User-Friendly: Our App Builder simplifies the process for all-level developers.

  3. Version Choices: Customize security with options for version 2 or version 3 based on your needs.

Getting Started: Easy Guide

  1. Open App Builder: In App Builder, go to the Plugins section.

  2. Find reCAPTCHA: Look for reCAPTCHA plugins (version 2 and version 3) in the catalog.

  3. Sign Up and Get Keys: Before adding the plugin, sign up with Google reCAPTCHA to get keys for secure app integration.

  4. Pick Your Version: Choose either version 2 or version 3 based on your security preference.

  5. Simple Configuration: Customize plugin settings in the App Builder, including adding keys from Google.

  6. Test and Deploy: Ensure a smooth user experience before deploying your web application.

You can find more details on the Plugins page.

Or check out our YouTube video tutorial if you need visual assistance!

Stay Tuned for More Upgrades

This is just the beginning! As we focus on security and user experience, more enhancements and features are coming soon to

Thank you for using and Happy Developing!

Your Team

Unlocking App Development Secrets: A Chat with CEO on AI and Low-Code Magic

Hey Appery Users,

We’ve got some cool news to share with you! Alexander Antsypov, the brain behind, recently had a friendly chat with DesignRush Spotlight. In this special interview, titled Anyone Can Make an App Using Low-Code and AI Platforms, Appery CEO Says, he spills the beans on how cool things like Artificial Intelligence (AI) play a part in making mobile app development super exciting and accessible.

Let’s Get Personal with Alexander Antsypov:
Imagine starting as a Developer, then leveling up to an Architect, becoming a Lead Developer, and finally rocking it as the Head of Development. That’s Alexander Antsypov’s journey, and trust us, it’s as interesting as it sounds!

Cheers to Alexander Antsypov’s Success:

We, at are over the moon to have Alexander leading the charge. His journey from coding whiz to head honcho not only shows his growth but also reflects the amazing journey of the tech world. It’s the kind of success story that makes us want to high-five every developer out there!

The Low-Code and AI Connection:
In this interview, he takes a deep dive into the magical world where low-code platforms meet fancy tech like AI. Alexander gives us the inside scoop on how these platforms make app development a breeze. If you’re into mobile development and have wondered about sprinkling some AI magic into your projects, this chat is your golden ticket.

What’s in Store for You:
Alexander spills the beans on so many cool things! From how AI is changing the game in app development to practical tips on getting these cool technologies into your projects, it’s a chat that’s sure to make your tech-loving heart beat a little faster.

Ready for some tech talk? Dive into the full interview for all the juicy details from Alexander Antsypov. If you’re as excited about the mix of low-code platforms and AI as we are, this chat is your sneak peek into the future of tech fun. Stay tuned for more cool insights and chats coming your way!

Happy Developing from all of us, at!

Create Your Superior PWAs with Ease

The journey of crafting exceptional Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) just received a game-changing upgrade!, the leading low-code app development platform, has triumphantly resolved the persistent challenge of automatic PWA app updates. This breakthrough firmly establishes as the go-to solution for effortless PWA creation.

Automatic PWA App Updates – A Game-Changer

Imagine PWAs that update seamlessly without any manual intervention.’s innovation eliminates the hassle of manual updates, ensuring users always access the latest version effortlessly. This breakthrough guarantees a consistently fresh and up-to-date user experience, setting a new standard in PWA development.

Now, to make sure your app created with the App Builder and distributed as a PWA gets automatic updates, all you need to do is go to the configuration settings located in the project App Settings > PWA section and check the Enable autoupdate checkbox:

Tada! From now on, if your app gets any updates, you just publish them in the App Builder, and … that’s it! Next time your users run the app it will be automatically updated without any effort on their part.

As a bonus, offers another useful option: showing your users the Install App dialog. Now, if you select to show it, the Install button will be shown on Android:

The iOS users will get instructions on how to add the app to the device’s home screen:

PS We have also published a short how-to YouTube video to assist with creating your first PWA.

Doesn’t this look easy enough to make you want to create your first PWA with no manual updates hassle?

Are you ready to revolutionize your PWA development experience?

Sign up with today and witness the evolution of PWA development!

Introducing Our New Starter App Template for Your Mobile App

We’re excited to present our latest creation: the Starter App Template. It’s built to be the strong base for making modern mobile apps that users will love.

Starter App Template: Main Features

  • Flexible Design: Works smoothly on all devices for a great user experience.

  • Easy Logins: Choose between traditional or FaceID/Fingerprint logins for security and convenience.

  • Simple Sign-Up: Quick feedback on usernames and passwords to get started easily.

  • Password Recovery: Easy steps to recover access if needed.

  • User Control: Customize settings and privacy to match individual preferences.

  • Language Choices: Supports multiple languages for a global audience.

  • Personalized Profiles: Users can create and edit profiles for a tailored experience.

  • Dark Mode: A comfortable theme option for low-light settings.

  • Secure Confirmation: Double verification via email or SMS for added security.

Who Can Benefit?

This template suits startups and businesses in social networking, e-commerce, health & fitness, education, and more. It’s perfect whether you’re starting big or testing ideas.

Start Building Today

Ready to transform your app development? Explore the Starter App Template now! Create a strong foundation and focus on what users need most.

Don’t miss out—embrace innovation and enhance your mobile app experience with our Starter App template tutorial.

Stay tuned for updates and added features as we continue to improve this template!

Ready to begin?

How to Update Your Appery App on Google Play

Some users who generated an .aab file with and are trying to upload this to Google Play store as an update, may encounter this error:

Before we help you tackle this issue, here is a bit of theory behind it:

As of August 2021, there has been a significant shift in the deployment process for developers targeting the Google Play platform. The conventional .apk (Android Package) format, which has been the standard for Android applications, is no longer accepted by the Google Play store for publishing new apps. In its place, Google has mandated the use of the Android App Bundle (.aab) for all new apps, a publishing format that streamlines the app signing process for developers.

This transition to the .aab format can have direct implications if you’re attempting to update your existing app on Google Play that was originally published using an .apk file. 

Below, we share some simple steps you can take to address the issue of updating your existing app on Google Play:

  1. Begin by downloading the certificate archive and extracting it.
  2. Afterwards, navigate to the Google Play Developer Console and proceed to Release > Setup > App Signing. If necessary, agree to the Terms of Service for App Signing.
  3. Choose the option Use existing app signing key from Java KeyStore, then follow the subsequent steps:

4. Obtain the PEPK tool and launch a terminal window.

5. Enter the command as follows, replacing the placeholders with your actual file paths, alias, and Google encryption key:


✋ Caution: Ensure the accuracy of the paths for the PEPK tool, keystore, output file, as well as the correct alias and Google encryption key.

For instance, if your setup has the specified names, your command might look like the following:

java -jar pepk.jar --keystore=apperyio.project --alias=apperyio.project --output=encrypted_private_key_path --encryptionkey=eb10fe8f7c7c9df715022017b00c6471f8ba8170b13049a11e6c09ffe3056a104a3bbe4ac5a955f4ba4fe93fc8cef27558a3eb9d2a529a2092761fb833b656cd48b9de6a

6. At this moment, the system will prompt you for a password. It is advisable to reuse your current keystore password. So, input the keystore password (for instance, ‘apperyio.project‘) followed by the key password (again, potentially ‘apperyio.project’).

7. With your passwords entered, you can now upload the generated App Bundle (.aab) file to Google Play by clicking Upload private key:

8. Finally, click Save.

Congratulations: your updated app is up and running!

Happy Tnanksgiving from all of us, at!

September release $a, $v, Appery Helper and Global Functions

Today we are pleased to announce the September release of with new alias $a of Appery helper, global variable $v and global functions!

Let’s look at what’s new



‘$a’ is an alias for the Appery helper ‘Apperyio’. Now, instead of writing:


you can use a much shorter form:




‘$v’ is an alias for global variables that were previously accessed through Apperyio.vars.

$v is a place for storing any data as ‘global’. For example, to transfer data between screens.

this.$v.myData = 12345;
this.$v.userInfo = {id: 123, name: 'Joe'};

For more detailed information about ‘$v’, you can refer to our documentation


Appery Helper

The list of functions and properties for the Appery helper ‘$a’ has been significantly expanded. This expansion greatly simplifies the invocation of the most commonly used operations. For example, if you need to display a modal window and pass parameters to it, this can now be achieved in a single line of code:

let data = await this.$a.modal("EditUser", {name: 'john'});

If you need to display a loading indicator, a simple call will do:

await this.$a.showLoading();

And if you need to perform a GET request:

let res = await this.$a.get("");

You can explore the full list of available functions on this page:


Global Functions

Global functions have been added. Now, in the Functions section under Modal and Storage, you can define a function, for example ‘sum’, which will be accessible on all screens, custom components, services, etc., using this.$v.sum()


For more detailed information about global functions, you can refer to our documentation


We believe this new feature will be of great value to our users. We appreciate your continued use of, and we wish you a happy developing!

Thank you for using and Happy Developing!

Your Team

Support for Android 13, API level 33

We’re excited to announce the introduction of the latest release, which includes support for Android 13 (API level 33).

While many of the Appery projects were upgraded automatically, we aimed to keep manual application changes to a minimum to ensure a smooth transition for all users.
– Please ensure that you have not manually modified the config.xml file in the source tab. If any modifications were made to this file, kindly follow these steps: Remove the file and execute the “Undo all source changes” operation for the CORDOVA folder.


– Additionally, for some users, it may be necessary to access the App Settings. From there, navigate to Cordova Config, then proceed to the Android tab. Ensure that the property “GradlePluginKotlinVersion” is present with the value “1.6.20” (refer to the provided image for visual guidance). If this property is missing, kindly add it manually.


We believe this new feature will be of great value to our users. We appreciate your continued use of, and we wish you a happy developing!

Thank you for using and Happy Developing!

Your Team