Quickly Fix the AngularJS WebView iOS 9 Issue with a New Plug-in

Last week we blogged about an AngularJS issue that breaks some APIs when you upgrade to iOS 9. We showed you how to create a patch. Today, we have added a plug-in that makes fixing this even faster and simpler. Import the plug-in, and you’re done. I’ll show you how to do that.

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How to Fix the iOS 9 AngularJS UIWebView Issue

If your users upgrade their Apple device to iOS 9, you could run into a problem when working with the window.location API. The Ionic team found this issue (thank you) and posted a workaround with this patch. Adding this patch to an Appery.io Ionic (or Bootstrap) app is very simple. Let me show you how.

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How to Set a Page Header in an Ionic/AngularJS App

When you create a new Ionic/AngularJS app in Appery.io, every app has two pages out-of-the-box. index is the main template page and Screen1 is a page that uses the template. Any other pages that you create will use the index template page. Most pages in your app will have a header. If you open Screen1 or any other page, you will see that it doesn’t have a header area. That’s how it supposed to be since the index template has the common header. You can set a static page title in the index page but then you will have the same page header on all other pages. Most likely you want to the page header to change on different pages. We are going to show you how to do that in an AngularJS app.

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Social Authentication Examples for AngularJS and jQuery Mobile

User login/registration is one of the most common features in a mobile app. Permitting login with existing credentials that users have from social networks can significantly simplify the authentication process and improve the user experience.

User Login Registration Examples for all project types (jQuery Mobile, Ionic, and Bootstrap) has just been updated with social authentication functionality. You can use those examples to quickly set up your app with the social login feature or see how it’s built to implement your own.


To create an app from an example, click Create new app > From example and choose the example you want from the list of available examples.

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How to Use Google Maps in an AngularJS App

Like standard UI elements, such as buttons, input and text areas, the Appery.io App Builder also provides a convenient and ready-to-use Google Maps component for your AngularJS apps. This component contains a large set of visually configurable properties and entities like markers and windows.


There is a lot of help available for you to get the most out of this component. We’ve got detailed guides, a modularly organized tutorial, and our always helpful support team.

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Building a Native App with Ionic, AngularJS, and Appery.io

For years, developers had to make a choice: build a single hybrid app with a so-so user experience, or build a native app for each platform with a great user experience. Developers don’t have to make this choice anymore. By integrating the Ionic SDK into Appery.io, developers can build enterprise HTML5/hybrid apps on a single code base that offer a native experience across all platforms. The Appery.io platform’s visual tooling lowers the skills barrier, empowering a broader base of developers and business analysts to create effective and intuitive mobile applications.

In this tutorial, you will use the Appery.io platform to build a mobile app. The tool set includes:

  • Ionic – native-like UI components
  • AngularJS – UI logic/binding
  • Appery.io App Builder – cloud-based drag and drop designer
  • Appery.io Backend Services – API backend for the app

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The Hybrid vs. Native Question Answered: Appery & Ionic


The debate between developing hybrid vs. native apps has been going on for a long time, and while it’s sure to continue long into the future, the argument for the hybrid model is getting stronger every day.

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User Registration Example App for Bootstrap and Ionic with AngularJS

Example of a login box

User login/registration is one of the most common features in a mobile app. With Appery.io Database’s built-in user management feature, adding a login and registration capability to an app is very fast and simple. We know that developers love examples and so we created a ready-to-run app available in the App Builder that shows how to do that. In fact, we created two examples: one example uses Bootstrap and another example uses Ionic, both based on AngularJS.

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Introduction to Ionic


Here at Appery.io, we’ve recently introduced support for the Ionic Framework in our App Builder, giving users an even more powerful tool for creating functional and beautiful app UIs. Between our recent update with AngularJS and Bootstrap, and now Ionic, we’re working hard to make Appery.io better than ever.

The platform, with its support for Apache Cordova (i.e. PhoneGap), Bootstrap, and AngularJS, among other frameworks and services, was already great for building hybrid apps quickly and easily. Now, with Ionic support, it’s is even stronger. Ionic is a front-end UI framework that handles all of the look-and-feel and UI interactions your app needs in order to be compelling, with support for a broad range of common mobile components, smooth animations, and beautiful designs.

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Video: How to Build an Ionic App Connected to a Database