Signing Up for the Mobile Apps Builder Beta Is Easy

Today, we’ll be having a briefing for our beta users of Mobile Apps Builder. Becoming a beta user and par­tic­i­pating in our com­mu­nity brief­ings is a great way to in­flu­ence and guide the de­vel­op­ment of a useful product and make it even more useful.

It’s easy to be­come a beta user. Here are three ways:

  1. If you don’t al­ready have a ac­count, you can sign up right from the home page using the button in this block:
  2. When you sign up for any Prototypes Builder plan and click on the ac­ti­va­tion link, you’ll be pre­sented this first time with a pop-​​up giving you an op­por­tu­nity to join the beta:
  3. If you al­ready have an ex­isting ac­count, you can be­come a beta user by going to My Account and clicking on the sign-​​up button:

You’ll have a “pending” status at first, but you should only have to wait a few hours be­fore you be­come activated. New Subscription Model

On June 15, left beta and be­came an of­fi­cial re­lease. As part of this re­lease there is now a scheme of dif­ferent plans for how you can use Although the terms are cov­ered in the ap­pli­ca­tion and Web site, I thought I’d go over the plans as a blog entry.

The thing to keep in mind is that is struc­tured as ac­counts tied to single pri­mary users. The ac­count has one work­space owned by the pri­mary user that con­tains projects that each con­tain screens (or pages). The work­space owner and ad­di­tional users up to a set limit have ac­cess to the workspace.

With the user man­age­ment fea­ture, the work­space owner can specify ac­cess rights on a user-​​by-​​user and project-​​by-​​project basis. With this fea­ture, the ac­count owner can add other users up to the limit for their plan or delete other users – freeing up a slot. (Remember, deleting a user only re­moves their ac­cess to your work­space. It doesn’t af­fect an ac­count owned by the user or the user’s ac­cess to other workspaces.)

Plan Cost Number of Projects Screens per Project Users Data Storage
Free $0 1 5 2 1 Gb total
Professional $15/​user/​month No limit No limit Number pur­chased 2 Gb/​user
Education $0 No limit No limit No limit 2 Gb/​user
Enterprise Custom No limit No limit Custom No limit
Temporary Professional for Previous Beta Users $0 No limit No limit Number of in­vi­tees from beta ac­count plus 1 2 Gb/​user
Plan Notes
  1. Starts as a 15-​​day trial with credit card info pro­vided up front.
  2. Billing (and billing cycle) starts 15 days later on the credit card un­less ac­count owner takes action.
  3. The cost of $15/​user/​month is a pro­mo­tional price for the launch of the new ver­sion. At some point, it will rise to $20/​user/​month, but people who sign up be­fore Sept. 30, 2011 lock this rate in permanently.
Education Requires all users to be af­fil­i­ated with an ed­u­ca­tional in­sti­tu­tion and use valid e-​​mails ending in .edu.
Enterprise May in­clude extra fea­tures like custom Web storage, white-​​labeling, and SSO.
Temporary Professional for Previous Beta Users No cost for 3 months until September 15th. Downgrades to free plan un­less ac­count owner con­verts to professional. prototypes dynamic widgets

One of the neat features in prototypes is dynamic widgets. Let me explain. Let’s say you have a tab panel with three tabs. Different content goes into the three tabs. When you design mockups or wireframes, there is probably no simple way to show what content/widgets go inside the tabs which are now shown. With, it’s very simple because the tab widget is dynamic. In other words, you can click on the tab and switch between them. This way you can place different content into the tabs during design as in real application. When you do Web Preview and generate prototpy HTML/JS/CSS, you can switch between the tabs as well.

First tab:

Second tab:

Third tab:

To edit tab label, just double-click on the text. And, to add/remove tabs, click on the tab and invoke the context-menu as shown: prototypes: new address, new blog

A few weeks ago we launched a new address for Today we are also launching a new blog This blog will cover, web and mobile application prototyping, design and everything related. It will also cover new features, tips and articles. Come back often.

Some latest features in