Have Appery-related questions? Ask them on Stackoverflow!

Dear Appery.io Users,

Since recently, our customers have started complaining about issues with registration/login into our forum. Therefore, we have decided to introduce yet another open channel where you are free to ask any Appery.io-related question(s) you might have: Stackoverflow. 

Stackoverflow is one of the most popular and renown platforms where anybody can ask for an advice on any programming issue. Where hundreds of users find answers to their questions daily and thousands of experts are happy to provide their colleagues with useful recommendations and examples.

Is is truly a huge community and from now on, we encourage you to post your questions (like those on Appery.io Platform, App Builder, Appery.io plug-ins, etc.) there instead of using forum.

Please make sure you use the tag <Appery> or <appery.io> while posting so that our experts from Support Team (as well as other users that can be of help) could answer them ASAP to our mutual satisfaction:


We hope this will help to remove any barriers to effective communication and make getting professional help as easy and productive as possible.

And as usual, we offer more ways for you to get help. Please check this link to learn how to reach to our Support Team for help.

Lots of love on St. Valentine’s Day!

Your Appery.io Team


Important Note on the “ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage” Error

Recently, many of our users have started receiving the “ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage” message when submitting their Appery.io projects to AppStore. This is connected with the fact that Apple is currently in the process of formal deprecating UIWebView and is migrating to WKWebView, UIWebView’s successor.

In this connection, we would like to update our users with the following instructions on how to avoid the issue with Apple submissions:

The workaround to apply for Ionic 4 apps:

  1. Set the latest Cordova versions under the App settings > iOS binary tab:

2. Go to the Resoures tab and select the latest library version (now, it’s v1.2):

3. Check if the default InAppBrowser 5.0.0 is enabled on the Cordova plugins > Core Cordova plugins tab:

4. You might also need to upgrade your Target SDK version under the App setttings > Android binary > General tab. 5. Rebuild your app.

The workaround to apply for JQM or Ionic 1 apps:

  1. Under the Project > App Settings > Resources tab, select the latest Appery.io library version available:


2. Under the Project > App Settings > iOS Binary tab, select the latest Cordova iOS version available (6.0.0.): 

3. Under the Project > App Settings > Core Cordova plugins tab, enable WKWebviewEngineAllowFileAccessPlugin:

4. Check that you don’t have edited files on the Source tab

Then, scroll down to locate the Appery.io cordova-plugin-ionic-webview plugin and enable it:

Cordova WKWebView Engine and Cordova-plugin-ionic-webview plugin plugins may be unchecked if Cordova iOS 6.0.0. is selected.

Important note: please be informed, that this workaround might not work if your app is older that one year.

For the apps built earlier, switching to a different browser engine might be needed which might result in some other issues that should be considered separately in every particular case.

Also, we would like to remind you that you are always welcome to contact us if you have further questions about this or any other Appery.io related issue.

Global Developer Community Unites for Appery.io COVID-19 Hackathon

In these times of uncertainty and unrest, individuals and businesses around the world are finding new and unique ways of working and living. While many are able to adjust with ease to the challenges of COVID-19, others are not so able to adjust easily. Social distancing measures can cause ripple effects in mental health. Economies are trending downward, forcing many to rethink their financial strategies. The elderly and other vulnerable groups need enhanced support and protection.

However, the current state of technology and collaboration provides hope that we will find solutions to these new challenges. Plus, with many people in the tech field able to work remotely, innovation doesn’t have to stop. At Appery.io, we recognize that the time is right for developers to bring their ideas to life—to find ways that we can work together to help our global community.

That’s why we are hosting the Appery.io COVID-19 Virtual Hackathon where we are encouraging developers from all over the world to build digital solutions that solve some of the challenges posed by the Coronavirus pandemic. The Appery.io COVID-19 Virtual Hackathon has already started with final submissions due May 6, 2020, by 11:59pm PDT (GMT -7). A panel of experts will judge the submissions, with up to $1,000 in cash prizes awarded. A virtual ceremony will be hosted on May 10, 2020 to recognize the finalists.

Using Appery.io, a low-code application development platform used by nearly 500,000 developers worldwide, participants will be challenged to build applications that help groups and businesses most impacted by COVID-19. Projects should focus on areas like healthcare, mental health, assistance for the elderly or vulnerable, improving remote work, financial stability, or maintaining a sense of community. Developers are free to be as innovative and unique as possible with minimal restrictions on application type or theme.

Participants are welcome to register and submit their applications until May 6, 2020 to get final projects in. Submissions will be judged by a panel of experts according to a range of relevant criteria. Prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • 1st $1,000 and an Appery.io Annual Pro Subscription
  • 2nd $500 and an Appery.io Annual Pro Subscription
  • 3rd $250 and an Appery.io Annual Pro Subscription

For more information on how to get started, FAQ’s and guidelines please visit: (https://covid.appery.io/

We look forward to seeing what participants create and have no doubts that we will be inspired. In this time of distance, isolation, and uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to find ways to connect with, support, and provide hope for each other. Thanks to technology, it’s possible. Happy hacking!

Hacking a Hackathon with Appery.io

A hackathon is usually an all day long coding competition where a motley team of software programmers, developers, and designers sit together to design and develop something quickly. The goal of a hackathon is to create usable software in the least amount of time. In order to avoid the burden of building infrastructure and steep learning curve issues, many hackathon attendees (“hackathonees”) search for a Swiss army knife to use.

Luckily, with Appery.io, a cloud-based rapid software development platform, hackathonees satisfy all of these goals. Among them are top-notch companies such as a the largest bank in the Middle East, a worldwide healthcare company, and a global hackathon organization that has already fueled many internal and public codefests with Appery.io.

Concentrate on Innovation Not Infrastructure

Appery.io has integrated mobile back-end services, including database, push, and server code. In addition, it can be used to easily and securely integrate apps with any back-end system. Offline synchronization is included, too. And, dozens of free out-of-the-box plugins are available.

Smooth Learning Curve

According to the Appery.io community members, it takes just 2 to 3 days for a novice to master the platform and start building functional hybrid apps. (Of course, some basic knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and databases are nice to have to make the learning curve shorter.) In addition, the platform has tons of well-organized DIY videos and manuals as well as free downloadable sample apps.

Easy to Start

Here is a five-minute video showing how to build a mobile app with a cloud database from A to Z.

Are you a hackathonee? Start using Appery.io for FREE!

How to Use Geolocation in Your Mobile App



Geolocation is one of the most widely used APIs in mobile apps today. From weather to Uber and Lyft, the device location is crucial information and many APIs use it to determine what services and products are available in a given location. When building a mobile app in Appery.io, using the Geolocation API is simple. Apache Cordova library is built-in in every new Appery.io app. Invoking Geolocation will return the latitude, longitude (and other) information which can then be passed to any REST API. The following two short videos show how to use and invoke Geolocation in an Ionic and jQuery Mobile apps:

Looking for more videos like that? Check out our YouTube channel for many more videos.

A Quick Guide to Using Geolocation in Your Mobile App



Geolocation is one of the most widely used APIs in mobile apps today. From weather to Uber and Lyft, the device location is crucial information and many APIs use it to determine what services and products are available in a given location. When building a mobile app in Appery.io, using the Geolocation API is simple. Apache Cordova library is built-in in every new Appery.io app. Invoking Geolocation will return the latitude, longitude (and other) information which can then be passed to any REST API. The following two short videos show how to use and invoke Geolocation in an Ionic and jQuery Mobile apps:

Looking for more videos like that? Check out our YouTube channel for many more videos.

A Quick Guide for Setting Up and Invoking Salesforce API

In this blog post you will learn how to build an Appery.io app that connects to Salesforce API. After a login into Salesforce, the app will display a list of Salesforce objects available in your account.

The complete app has the following components:

  • App UI (client).
  • Server Code for server-side logic to handle OAuth flow.
  • Salesforce account and app to access the data in your account.

Let’s get started.

Salesforce App

The first step is to create a Salesforce app which will allow you to access your Salesforce account data.



A new app is created from the left-hand menu in your Salesforce account (Build > Create > Apps). There are a number of important values that you will be using later:

  • Consumer Key.
  • Selected OAuth Scopes.
  • Consumer Secret.
  • Callback URL.

Consumer Key and Consumer Secret are generated when you create a Salesforce app. The Callback URL is set by you (I will cover this later). For Selected OAuth Scopes, you can set it to Full access plus any specific scopes. Once you have tested your app, you can start removing scopes and leave only the once that the app requires.

Once you have the Salesforce app configured, next you need to create the app backend.

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How to Validate an Email Field in a jQuery Mobile App Using a Regular Expression

pablo (45)

Validating an email entered on a form is one of the most fundamental requirements in any mobile app. In this blog post, we are going to show you how to validate an email input field using a regular expression. This blog post is a follow-up to How to Add JavaScript Form Validation to a Mobile App post.

Validating an email input field using a regular expression is very simple. Here is the code to perform email validation.

// Read a value from the email input component.
// Apperyio() is a quick wrapper for a jQuery select
// emailInput is the name of the UI component
// It's possible to use jQuery directly as well
var emailInput = Apperyio("emailInput").val();

// Regular expression to validate email input value
var re = /^(([^()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
var test = re.test(emailInput);

// condition check part
if(test) {
    alert ("Everything is good.");
else {
    alert("Invalid email entered. Please try again.");

You can quickly add this code to any app inside a JavaScript file and reuse. Looking for more examples and how-tos? Check out YouTube channel for large number of short videos.

How to Build an App with API Express and External REST API

This short video shows how to build a complete app with an external REST API. This video covers:

  • Using API Express to connect to an external REST API. https://randomuser.me/ is used for the API.
  • Importing API Express service into the app (App Builder).
  • Designing the app UI (1 page).
  • Binding and using the service from the page.
  • Testing the app.

Looking for more videos? Visit our YouTube channel for many more short videos.

How to Add JavaScript Form Validation to a Mobile App

Validating user input is one of the most important requirements in a mobile app. The most common approach of form validation requires that you check the form fields before the form is submitted; this is to make sure that the required information is supplied. Today we will show you how you can validate the input fields in your app before submitting the information to the Appery.io Database.

In this example the app will have following simple design:

Form App design

Form app design

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