April Release: iOS Build, New Components, Updated jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap Support, and More

The Appery.io team keeps making the great even better, as you can see in this latest release of Appery.io Mobile App Builder. New features include everything from iOS binary builds to updated support for jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap. Read on to find out more. Read the rest of this entry »

Mapping the Tools in the Mobile Development Ecosystem – And How Appery.io Mobile App Builder Fits In

ReadWriteMobile has posted an interesting Infographic created by Kinvey mapping the current mobile ecosystem (click on image to view larger version):

(Image source: http://kinvey.com/images/kinvey_backend-as-a-service_mobileecosystem_2100px.png)

First of all thanks to Kinvey for creating this wonderful map and including Appery.io in it (blue Mobile SDK line). Appery.io could actually span 3 different lines: BaaS, Mobile SDK and Mobile API. Appery.io is a cloud-based HTML5 mobile app builder, so it’s not exactly a mobile SDK. In fact, the technology under the hood is HTML, JavaScript and jQuery Mobile. For hybrid apps, the app can be wrapped in PhoneGap, which also provides access to native device features. So, there is no really “custom” SDK.

Second, from the builder it’s incredibly easy to consume any REST API (yellow Mobile API line). Appery.io comes with a pretty nice REST services console where any service can be tested. From the same console, the REST service response (structure) can be automatically created. Once the service is defined, it is mapped to jQuery Mobile UI using a visual mapper (UI to service input, service output to UI).

Thirdly, as most BaaS services (orange line) are exposed as REST, HTML5 mobile app built in Appery.io, can easily connect and use those services.

Lastly, and maybe the most important point is how incredibly fast you can build apps. It sort of all makes sense.. you got cloud-based mobile backend (exposed as REST) and cloud-based app builder to build the apps. It sounds simple.. but a really elegant picture.

This perfectly describes Appery.io. Appery.io is cloud-based builder for creating HTML5, jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap, and RESTful mobile apps.

Originally posted here.

Exporting And Building PhoneGap App for iOS

One of the really great features in Appery.io mobile app builder is that you can quickly export the app as mobile Web, Android or iOS.

For Android, you can get a ready for the app market binary file (Release binary). Just take the file and upload it to Android Market. It’s that simple. You can watch a webinar where an app is built, exported for Android and published.

iOS is little bit more involved (Apple requires to provide your developer information to build). There are two ways to go about it. First, export the app as xCode project and then follow the steps outlined in this guide to build the app.

A second option is to use PhoneGap Build cloud service.

We are working on adding functionality where you will be able to build iOS app inside Appery.io.

Appery.io: Cloud-based Mobile App Builder Now With jQuery Mobile 1.0

In mid January we have released an update to Appery.io mobile app builder and now every app (new or old) is based on jQuery Mobile version 1.0.

Now that there is a Free plan, nothing should stop you from building your mobile app.

Lastly, if you need to write any custom JavaScript in your app, here is how.

Webinar: Build Your Mobile App in Minutes with Appery.io for Musicians


Appery.io is a Web-​​based plat­form for building mo­bile apps for iPhone, Android, or HTML5. We re­cently launched Appery.io for Musicians to ex­tend Appery.io and show­cased it at the re­cent NAMM show.

Appery.io for Musicians cus­tomizes and fur­ther sim­pli­fies the mo­bile de­vel­op­ment process for mu­si­cian apps. It guides you through a se­ries of steps to grab con­tent you al­ready have in the Cloud. Now all mu­si­cians can have a mo­bile strategy to pro­mote their music.

Want to know more? Want to see it for your­self? Know someone who would be interested?
Join us as award-​​winning per­forming artist Alexa Weber Morales shows how you can create mo­bile apps for your music fans or cus­tomers in less than 10 min­utes! Afterward, Alexa and David Schoenbach will an­swer your questions.

See you there!

Build Your Mobile App in Minutes with Appery.io for Musicians
January 31, Tuesday
11am US Pacific Time
Register: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/887753456

Exporting Android App Built in Appery.io Into Eclipse

So you built a really cool mobile app in Appery.io, now you want to export Android app sources and open in Eclipse. Here is how to do it.

  1. Export Android sources in Appery.io by going to Export > Android row > Source Code/Eclipse Project
  2. Download and extract Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (download link)
  3. Download and extract Android SDK (download link)
  4. Update Android SDK (may take a long time):
    $<path_to_android_sdk>/tools/android update sdk –no-ui
  5. Install ADT Plugin for Eclipse (guide link)
  6. Import project to Eclipse:
    • Package Explorer > File > Import… > General > Existing Projects into Workspace > Choose Appery project folder) > Finish
  7. Running app:
    • Right-click project > Run as > Android application
  8. Building APK:
    • invoke context menu on project > Android tools > Export Signed Application Package

Appery.io at AnDevCon and Mountain View JavaScript Meetup

We just returned from app world conference in New York which was a great success. Next week we are heading to 2 more great events: AnDevCon conference and Mountain View JavaScript Meetup.


Appery.io Mobile Apps Builder is going to be at AnDevCon II (The Android Developer Conference) in San Francisco Bay Area, November 6-9. Stop by our booth and learn how to build Android apps ready for the Android Market using cloud services, all in about 5 minutes. It’s really awesome, I promise.

Mountain View JavaScript Meetup Group

Building apps with Appery.io, A Cloud Service for Building Mobile Apps

Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 7:00 PM

In this cool session you will learn how to build HTML5 and native apps using Appery.io. Appery.io is a cloud-based mobile apps builder that uses HTML5, jQuery Mobile, REST, and PhoneGap to build apps. A real mobile app will be built during the session, which attendees will be able to run and test on their own devices.

Sign up to attend this Meetup.

How to Test Native Android and iPhone Apps Quickly

(Reposted from Maxa Blog)

If you have have done native mobile app development on Android or iPhone (iOS) then you probably know that testing native apps is not that simple. On the other hand, testing traditional Web applications is pretty straightforward: Launch a Web browser, and you see exactly how the application works and how it looks. Read on and I will show how to test a native app in a similarly straightforward fashion after considering various alternatives.

Option 1: Installing the app on the mobile device

This option is great in that you can test the app on the actual device. However, getting the app on the device can be very time consuming. And, for each testing iteration, the app would have to be built, sent (or copied) to the phone, installed, and launched on the device. While you get to test on the actual device, the process is very slow. Just imagine if you need to make just a small change in the app.

Option 2: Using device emulators/simulators

Getting the app on a device emulator is simpler than getting the app on the actual device. However, now the app is not tested on the actual device, so you may not be getting exactly the same behavior or look-and-feel that you would get on the actual device. Now, this is more of an Android problem than an iOS problem. The Android emulator runs a bare-bones Android version. Most Android phones from HTC, Motorola, and Samsung have their own, slightly modified builds of Android (even the same browser can be slightly different on different devices). Another problems with emulators (mostly Android) is that they are usually much slower than the actual devices, for obvious reasons. While the iOS simulator is pretty fast, the Android emulator is notoriously slow.

The Best Option: Launching the app on the device without installing

I consider this final approach the fastest and most straightforward. It doesn’t require installing the app on the device each time, but you still get to test on the device. This approach uses the Appery.io Mobile Tester app on the device while the mobile apps themselves are developed using Appery.io Mobile Apps Builder.

This tester app only needs to be installed once. The Android version is here and the iOS version is available as an open source version. The app is rather simple. After signing in to your Appery.io Mobile Apps Builder account, it will show a list of all mobile apps (native and Web) created in your Appery.io account. Here is how it looks:

The most interesting part? Clicking (or tapping) on any project will launch the app. Make any changes to the app in Appery.io? Save the changes, and click the app in Appery.io Mobile Tester. You now get the new version, with all the changes. With this approach we get the best of everything. We don’t need to install the app each time, the app is tested on the actual device and last but not least, it’s very fast.

Still not convinced? Then sign up for Appery.io, create your first mobile app, install Appery.io Mobile Tester (Android or iOS) and test the app.

New Webinar Series: Appery.io Bites (8/​4 and 8/​11)

In trying to figure out the best way to keep our com­mu­nity in­formed, we’ve de­cided to try some­thing dif­ferent. We try to put on webinars that span about an hour, but that’s a big chunk in someone’s day. We wanted to shoot for some­thing that would need less of a com­mit­ment — more like the length of a break. For us, this length of time would allow more focus and be easier to produce.

So, we’ve started a weekly se­ries of “Appery.io Bites” to zoom in on dif­ferent as­pects of Appery.io as it con­tinues to evolve. Each one will last for no longer than 20 min­utes. Here’s what we’ve done so far and what’s on the schedule:

Topic Date/​Time
Collaborative Software Development in the Cloud Made Easy July 28, 2011 (11am Pacific Time) View recording.
Using the New Theme Editor in Appery.io August 4, 2011 (11am Pacific Time) Register now!
Connecting More Easily to REST Services in Your Mobile Apps August 11, 2011 (11am Pacific Time) Register now!

This is only the be­gin­ning. We’ll be adding more topics in the next few months.

Appery.io Mobile Apps Builder is now open to everyone

Tiggr Mobiel Apps Builder

Twitter Search built with Mobile Apps Builder

After a short private beta we are happy to announced that Appery.io Mobile Apps Builder is now open to everyone. Now, the app is still beta and we have tons of features we are planning to add. So, just go to https://appery.io and click on Sign Up Now for Mobile Apps Builder. Then try one of our getting started guides but first read this (we are adding more tutorials). It’s a 6-step guide on how to approach building mobile apps in Appery.io.

Need a particular feature, service or component? Tell us here: http://getsatisfaction.com/apperyio.