What’s New in the Latest Appery.io Update

Update: Webinar on Wednesday, Jan. 29, to cover new features.

This past weekend we released a number of new features. This is a list of what’s new. We will be posting a lot more information on each feature later this week. This is a short list of all the new and awesome stuff:

  • Weinre remote debugging
  • Secure REST
  • Server code integration from inside the app builder — generate REST services for server code scripts
  • More information why the binary build might fail
  • Database batch operations
  • New UI components
  • iOS 7 theme and icons for binary build
  • Launch (splash screen) images for iOS and Android apps
  • Change account email address
  • Many bug fixes..

Stay tuned for a more detailed post coming later this week.

Appery.io Adds Salesforce Integration and Much More – Check Out the Details

The latest Appery.io update packs some really awesome updates and features. Check them out here.


Everything now runs much faster. You will see major speed improvements when you open pages, services or any other editors in the app builder. It’s simply much faster. And, we are not done. We have plans to make the platform a lot more faster. Read the rest of this entry »

Appery.io Gets Even Better

We recently updated Appery.io in a number of ways, adding up to a big step forward for the platform. At the same time, RESTXpress, an important part of the overall mobile solution provided by Appery.io, has been enhanced. We’ve discussed most of the improvements in Appery.io in a previous blog post, so I’ll just provide a summary of these before moving on to a discussion of the changes in RESTXpress.
Read the rest of this entry »

Appery.io Upgrades With Improved Collaboration, New Carousel Component, Instant Publishing to Heroku and More

We recently updated Appery.io with a number of new features and update. We would like to tell you what’s new in this post.

Before we start, don’t forget to register for our joint webinar with Salesforce: Rapid Mobile Application Development using the Appery.io Mobile Pack and Salesforce.com

Simplified platform UI and navigation

The moment you sign you, you will see a much simpler way to navigate between core platform components: apps, databases, push notifications, server code, and plugins:


Once you select an app, all app actions such as editing, versioning, sharing and hosting are now on the same page:


New and simplified database page. The built-in Users and Files collections together with custom collections are shown on the same page:


Inside the builder you will find simple and easy access to backend services:


Improved collaboration

Improved collaboration features now make it even simpler to work on an app with remote developers. A new panel inside the builder shows the current developers working on the app:


The Notifications panels display actions performed by developers currently editing the app:


You can also now easily know how is currently editing the app without opening it:


Instant Heroku publishing

Appery.io supported HTML5 app hosting (on Appery.io domain or custom domain) for along time and now you get even more options. You can now instantly deploy your app HTML5 mobile app to Heroku. Simpley select Heroku hosting tab, sign in and publish the current Appery.io to any existing Heroku app. You can also create a new Heroku app right from Appery.io:


One app type to simplify development

To simplify development, we now have only one app type. You can decide to publish the app as mobile web app or use native APIs and build for Android or iOS You no longer need switch app types.

Better access to device APIs

To allow more robust access to native device APIs, we have upgraded to PhoneGap version 2.9.

New Carousel component and updated HTML component

We rebuilt the Carousel component from the ground up. It is now better and works faster.

The updated HTML component is the old Panel component. The new name makes it easier to understand that you can write any custom HTML/JavaScript/CSS. This gives you power and allows to customize the app as much as you need.

Appery.io is now running faster

We didn’t like it either but once or twice things got really slow in the past month. We made a number of significant infrastructure updates, including database upgrade to make things run much faster. We are not done. We are working on other ways to make the platform run even faster.

As always, if you have any questions, feedback or just want to say hello email us at support@appery.io, post something on our forum or ping us on Twitter.


We Are Adding New Features – Note Maintenance Period Tonight [Completed]

Update: we have completed the upgrade. Stay tuned for a blog post on new features. 

We’re excited to be releasing some key enhancements to Appery.io tomorrow and want you to be aware of the required down time.  The new features include:

  • New collaboration features
  • Automatic publishing to Heroku
  • Improved performance
  • PhoneGap update
  • One project type – to simplify development
  • Simplified and unified platform UI updates

Please stay tuned for a new post with more detail on these.

Please Note:

Because of a required emergency database upgrade, this update will require a longer than usual downtime.   We anticipate that the system will be unavailable for 3 to 4 hours starting at 01:30 Pacific Time, August 22, 2013.  We apologize in advance for this unplanned outage.

If you have any questions, as usual, please contact us at support@appery.io

Appery.io Upgrades with Custom Server Code, Source Editing in the Cloud, App Versiong and New Salesforce API Plug-ins

We just released a number of really awesome features. Check them out!

Server Code

The new Server Code is being added to Appery.io integrated backend services that already includes a cloud Database and Push Notifications. The Server Code allows to write any custom app business logic using JavaScript without the need to build and maintain server infrastructure. The custom code is instantly exposed via REST API and can be quickly invoked from the app.


Source Code Editing

Ever since we launched Appery.io our users have been asking if the generated app source can be edited without leaving the platform. Now the answer is yes. Any app files can be edited in the cloud without leaving the platform. Simple switch to the Source tab to start using this new features. We are planning to add more features to source editing. For now, once you start editing the source files, the changes will not be reflected in the visual view yet.

Visual editor:


Source code editor for the same page:


App Versioning


Did you ever want to save a particular app version or roll back to a previous working version?? Now you can. We have introduced a new version feature. At any point you can quickly create an app version and continue development. At any point you can quickly roll back to any previous version of your app.

Salesforce API Plug-ins


We made it very simple to build mobile apps with Salesforce API with two new plug-ins:

  • Salesforce Contacts API Sample App
  • Salesforce oAuth API

Both plug-ins take care of connecting to Salesforce via oAuth2 so you can start using the API immediately. . The Contacts API Sample plug-in includes a ready-to-run app that allows viewing, and editing Salesforce contacts. Use the plug-ins to learn how to use Salesforce API or a starting point for your mobile app. View detailed documentation on how to import  and use the plug-ins.

Appery.io Is Now Using jQuery Mobile 1.3

As you probably already know we launched Appery.io in April. One of the new things in this release is that our platform has been upgraded to jQuery Mobile version 1.3.  You can always check the latest version by going to Project > App settings > External resources tab:


New Features: Source View, jQuery Mobile Themes with ThemeRoller, Android Permissions, New Components, and Pointer/Array Data Types in Database

We just added some really cool features to Appery.io Platform. Check them out!

New Source view

As we continue to make Appery.io Platform enterprise-level, just just added a Source view where you can see and open the actual files behind your app. Right now the files are opened as read-only but we are working on allowing you to modify them as well.


jQuery Mobile themes

We got all our custom themes back and you can also create new themes using the jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller tool. Simply create your theme in the tool, download and then upload to Appery.io. It’s that simple.


jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller site:


Once you create a new theme, select Create New > Theme and upload the theme you created.

Android permissions

You have been asking for this feature and now it’s here. Customize the permissions for your app before building a binary.


Binary build errors log

You no longer need to email support to find out why the binary build failed. You can now view the error and try to fix it:


New UI components

We added two new jQuery Mobile components, Grouped Buttons and Collapsible Set:


Pointer and Array types in database

On the Backend Services side, we added two new data types to the database: Array and Pointer:


New tutorials and getting help

Don’t forget to check our new tutorials and as always, if you have any questions let us know via email, forum or @apperyio.


Appery.io Updates its New HTML5 App Builder with Windows 8 Support, plus jQuery Mobile 1.2, PhoneGap 2.2, and Push Notifications

Windows 8 Support

Windows 8

Appery.io new HTML5 app builder has been the default builder for the past couple of weeks and we continue to update it with new features. One such feature is new Windows 8 support. In addition to jQuery Mobile/PhoneGap apps, you can now build Windows 8 apps with native support such as Snap View, Search Charm, Share Charm, and Live Tile.

To create a new Windows 8 app, click the “More create options” link from the Apps page and then select Windows 8 App as the app type. Try our Windows 8 app tutorial.

jQuery Mobile 1.2

We also upgraded to a much better jQuery Mobile version 1.2.


PhoneGap 2.2

We also upgraded PhoneGap to version 2.2. This means Appery.io cloud build has also been upgraded to PhoneGap 1.2.

If you use Appery.io Mobile App Tester for Android – go and grab an update so it also uses the latest PhoneGap version.

Push Notifications

A long requested feature – Push Notifications feature has been added to Appery.io Backend Services.


Want to try it? Try our new Push tutorial.

New Tutorial: Building a ToDo App with Appery.io Backend Services

Build this app and learn how the app builder is fully integrated with backend services.

HTML5 App Builder is Now the Default Builder

You might have noticed this but since Tuesday, November 13 when you create a new project, it opens in our new HTML5/JavaScript builder.

Our new HTML5/JavaScript builder:

We are just a few weeks from official GA and want to get as much feedback as possible from you.

Any projects created before November 13, will continue to open in the old builder (Flash). You are probably wondering what’s going to happen to your old projects? At some point very soon they will be converted and will start opening in the new builder.

We are also in the process of launching a new docs site at http://docs.appery.io.

Lastly, if you really still want to create a project in the old builder (although we don’t recommend it at this point), click on Create more options link.