Development Tip: Design Faster with New Copy and Paste Functions Inside the Visual App Builder


Component context menu

When building a mobile app in the visual App Builder it’s very common to place the same component in multiple places. Before, you had to drag each component separately, now there is a simpler and faster to do this with our new copy and paste capabilities.

AngularJS projects in use the standard copy and paste functionality that you are familiar with, plus you can clone (duplicate) a component. This means that you can copy your component via a context menu or hotkey (CTRL+C), and paste it even into a different AngularJS project! In order to open the context menu, select any component and click the cog icon.

You can find more information about UI components in in our documentation, and make sure you check out all of our mobile development tips.

Do you want to build apps fast? Start developing with our trial plan!

Big Update: New Enterprise Components in API Express, Upgraded Push Notifications, New Ionic Version and More

This is our second major platform update in 2016, we are excited to share our new features and benefits to help you build enterprise apps fast.

New enterprise components in API Express

There are two new features of our API Express, these new service components are for creating advanced service logic using the visual builder. Our new features to API express are:  Script and ServerCode. Both components allow you to write custom service logic using JavaScript.

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API Express visual editor enterprise components

  • ServerCode component – allows call Server Code scripts from the API Express. This will be beneficial if your app relies on some server-side logic that is written as a Server Code script. Read more about this component here.
  • Script component – can be used for changing the body structure before passing the data to another component. Find more on Script component in documentation.

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Learn How to Copy and Reuse Pages Between Apps for Faster Development

Today we will show you how to copy pages into projects. This very simple process is described in our documentation, but we are going to show you how to build apps faster by copying and re-using pages. 

First create a new app and add some components to the page which you would like to clone.


Page we want to clone

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Development Tip: Using The Bootstrap Grid In


Popular Bootstrap Grid is available in’s Bootstrap project as an UI component that can be dragged and dropped to the page. The following steps show how to change grid cell sizes for different screen resolutions:

  1. First open the AngularJS / Bootstrap project and place the Grid component to the page.
  2. Now, if you will look at top right corner of the grid you’ll see a green plus button, this button will add a new row to your grid. If you don’t need to add a new row, but want to add new cells to existing row click on one of the grid cells and then choose GridRow through the breadcrumbs:
  3. A green “+” sign now will add a new cell to an existing row.
  4. You can configure the size for each cell for the four screen sizes. Click on the grid cell and the expand Columns properties in the PROPERTIES to the right of the screen. Type a number from 1 to 12 to define how it will look on the screen:

Don’t forget that you can emulate page size directly inside the editor, and when testing the app in browser by clicking XS, SM, MD and LG buttons.

Make sure to check out all of our mobile development tips.

Do you want to build apps fast? Start developing with our trial plan!

Development Tip: Validating Forms in AngularJS Projects


Validating inputs in mobile is very popular. Thanks to AngularJS, it can be quickly completed in one simple and convenient form. In the following example, you will learn how to create a required Input via ng-required directive, and how to resolve this issue in case the Input is not filled (show a message and disable the button):

  1. First of all, there is a model with the following structure:
    • user (Object)
      • name (String)
  2. In the scope, there is a user variable type of user (based on model described in step 1)
  3. init function of the scope has a single line of code:
    $ = 'Joe';
  4. On the page, there is a HTML component with a Container property = form (there is no such option in a dropdown so simply type it).
  5. Next add name property and set its value to myForm.
  6. Inside the HTML component, there are Input and Text components.
  7. Set the Input components to the following properties:
    • ng-model =
    • name = userName
    • ng-required = true
  8. For the text component set it to the following:
    • Color = assertive
    • text = Required (or any text you want)
    • ng-show = myForm.userName.$error.required
  9. And finally, place the button below the HTML, and add a ng-disabled property with myForm.userName.$error.required value.

If you try to remove text from the input you will see that button becomes disabled, and a Required message will appear. This way you can produce more complex validations according to your needs. You can see how the example above is built by creating an app from this backup.

Make sure to check out all of our mobile development tips.

Do you want to build apps fast? Start developing with our trial plan!

Development Tip: Adding Custom Logic to REST API Invocation


This blog post shows how to add a custom logic to a REST API invocation for jQuery Mobile apps.

You may often need to modify data for a services request or a services response. You may want to launch a dedicated JavaScript function to do this. This is useful when you need to rewrite the response data with filtered/edited values, instead of doing this each time for each mapping. For example, your service response has an unneeded first value that you want to remove from the response:

  1. Add new Run JavaScript action for Success event of your datasource.
  2. Using the drag and drop, move this action to the very beginning, so the Mapping action will be right to the Run JavaScript. This way, it’s guaranteed that the JavaScript code will be executed before the mapping.
  3. Click on Run JavaScript action and write your code. You have a data parameter in this JavaScript function – that is your response value.
  4. Write your custom logic to modify the response data. For example, to remove the first item of the response array (works only for arrays, not for JSON objects) use the following code:
    data.splice(0, 1);

Read more about Mapping in jQuery Mobile projects here and make sure to check out all of our mobile development tips.

Do you want to build apps fast? Start developing with our trial plan!

Development Tip: Quick Android App Debugging On The Device With Chrome

chrome-debuggingDebugging your JavaScript apps that are made with can be performed in a several ways, but today we would like to share with you another method. This approach has been available before, but for a some reason not many people know about it. The flow is looks really simple:

  1. Connect the device to a PC with a cable.
  2. Export the app as an Android binary (.apk).
  3. Scan the QR code to install the app.
  4. Launch Chrome and open the app on the device.
  5. That’s all! Now you have a really quick debugging tool to test your app with.

You should do a few steps to makes it work, but luckily they are not complicated and you can be ready-to-go in a few minutes.  A detailed guide about this feature and how to set it up you can found here.

Read more about the testing and debugging options here and make sure to check out all of our mobile development tips.

Do you want to build apps fast? Start developing with our trial plan!

Changes Needed: New AngularJS Push Plug-in Implementation

The following relates to the projects, which have already been imported as AngularJS Push Plug-in: by improving the AngularJS Push Plug-in, its PushRegisterDeviceImpl JavaScript file was modified. In order to update this file you need to replace its content with the updated one here. Alternatively you can simply re-import the plug-in itself,  making sure that you have removed all of the related assets before doing so. This depends upon the Ionic and Bootstrap projects.

If you experience any problems with new implementation do not hesitate to ask our support team to help you.

Development Tip: Push Notification Flow

logo-localpushWhen implementing logic with a push notification function it is a good idea to understand how it works under the hood, so when you send a push notification using a REST API, Server Code, or via the web console, the flow should look like this:

  1. push service receives and processes the request to send push.
  2. Then, passes the message onto Google or Apple servers.
  3. Lastly, push notification providers (Google or Apple) delivers the message to a device.

Because the push notification was delivered by a third party (not by our service), the platform can’t provide details on whether or not the push notification was delivered, and the reasons for this. However, we can provide certain error notifications along the lines of the device was not found. The same basic flows are valid for all push notification services (not only for

Read more about push notification in documentation and make sure to check out all of our mobile development tips.

Do you want to build apps fast? Start developing with our trial plan!

Development Tip: AngularJS Service, Factory, Directive, and More in



AngularJS provides a powerful and convenient way to organise your code via services, factories, directives and more. Here, at, we call them AngularJS resources. As usual, in best traditions of, we’re making complex stuff easier. So, to create a preferred resource perform, CREATE NEW > JavaScript. Then choose what type of resource you want to create by selecting the needed option from the type drop-down. When clicking “Create JavaScript”, new custom JavaScript will be added to your project with a ready-to-use template of the chosen resource. Inserting a few useful comments in each template will help you to start coding quickly. Afterwards, you can simply use the created resource in scope functions by calling it the Apperyio.get() function:

var my_service = Apperyio.get("service_name");

Yeah, that’s easy.

Read more about resource in documentation and make sure to check out all of our mobile development tips.

Do you want to build apps fast? Start developing with our trial plan!