New Tutorial: Using Database File API and User Management API

We just published a new step-by-step tutorial on using the File API and User Management. Give it a try and let us know what you think.

Building RSS Mobile App Tutorial

Creating jQuery Mobile App With Database API [Tutorial]

As you probably know, we launched Database a few weeks ago. In addition to docs, we just published a tutorial on how to build an app connected to Database. You will learn:

  • Creating a new database, inserting sample data
  • Displaying messages in the app from the database (via REST API)
  • Saving new messages
  • Deleting a message

Eliminating Flickering on Android When Navigating Between Pages

If you run/test your app on Android you probably noticed that there is flickering or jumping when navigating between pages (there is no such issue on iOS). Here is a quick way to get rid of flickering.

Add the following JavaScript (Create New/JavaScript):

$.mobile.defaultPageTransition = 'none';
$.mobile.defaultDialogTransition = 'none';

Above code will be invoked for all devices, including iOS. To run this code only for Android, use this;

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") != -1) {
   $.mobile.defaultPageTransition = 'none';
   $.mobile.defaultDialogTransition = 'none';

Give it a try, you will notice that page transitations are now much smoother! Video Tutorials

Using Apigee UserGrid API [New tutorial]

New Tutorial: Connecting To And Using Facebook Graph API

It’s been requested, so here it is. A new tutorial on connecting to and using Facebook Graph API when building a mobile app in

New Tutorials On Using StackMob, Parse and ATT mHealth APIs

Building a Mobile App With AT&T SMS API [New Tutorial]

We just published a new tutorial that shows how to build a mobile app with AT&T SMS API. The app allows you to send an SMS message and look like this:

Try this new tutorial or any other tutorial form our docs.

Creating HTML5 Mobile App Connected to OpenShift REST API [New tutorial]

We just published a new tutorial that shows you how to build an HTML5 mobile app connected to OpenShift REST API. It’s based on this example.

The app has two pages, and two services. One service gets the current list of users. The second services creates a new user. Give it a try and let us know if you have any questions!