Quickly Import Any Cordova Plugin, New API Express Components to Simplify Enterprise Integration, AngularJS App Builder Updates and More In This Big Appery.io Update

Easily import any Cordova plugin

You can now easily add any 3rd party Cordova plugin to your app. This has been one of the most requested features. No more sources digging and long step-by-step guides. This is how quickly you can add any Cordova plugin to your app:

  1. Go to the Github page of the plugin and download the latest stable version by clicking “Download ZIP”. It’s important to download the stable or Release version.
  2. Go to Resources > Cordova pluginsand click Import Cordova plugin, then: Choose file, locate the downloaded file and click Import plug-in The plug-in will appear under Cordova plug-ins

And you are done — it’s that’s easy.


Quickly add any Cordova plugin

To manage all Cordova plugins for a particular app go to Project > App settings > Cordova plugins and you’ll set the list. On this page you will also see the Core Cordova plugins – these plugins are automatically available in your app. From this page you can easily manage the plugins. You can quickly enable or disable any plugin.

We think it’s a very nice capability that you will like. To learn more, please read the documentation for more details.

API Express enhancements

API Express allows quickly exposing a relational database via REST APIs. In this update we have added a number of important features.

New service builder components

The API Express Service Builder – a visual tool to build your custom services has a number of new components. These components simplify building your service logic.


Easily build custom services with new logic components

You can learn more about the new components here.

Comparison query operators 

A set of comparison query operators were added to Find operation to make your requests more effective. Here is the operators list:

  • $eq – Matches values that are equal to a specified value.
  • $gt – Matches values that are greater than a specified value.
  • $gte – Matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value.
  • $lt – Matches values that are less than a specified value.
  • $lte – Matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value.
  • $ne – Matches all values that are not equal to a specified value.
  • $in – Matches any of the values specified in an array.
  • $nin – Matches none of the values specified in an array.

Learn how to use these operators in examples.

API Express project import & export

Now it’s possible to save your API Express project locally by backing it up.The project can be restored from the exported backup as well. It’s really simple, so you have to go to API Express > Settings and click “Export Backup” to save your API Express project locally. Click “From backup” when creating new API Express project and choose previously stored backup to create a project from the backup. A little bit more about these features is here.

Quickly add a REST API to a controller with drag and drop


A faster way to add a REST API to an AngularJS app

When building an AngularJS app, there are useful snippet called “Invoke service”. The code to execute a REST API service will be added to your scope function when clicking on it. All you have to do is change “service_name” to your actual service name:


Drag and drop a service into an AngularJS controller

We now made it even simpler to add a REST API to a function. Just drag and drop the needed service from Services folder (to the left of the screen, where project tree is located) to your function and you’re done! Even the service name will be automatically substituted:

Edit scheduled pushes for faster development

You can now easily edit scheduled pushes. This means you no longer need to delete a scheduled push in order to make a change. There are few ways in Appery.io to send a Push Notification:

  1. By sending the REST request using the Push Notifications API.
  2. By calling the appropriate methods in Server Code.
  3. By using the web console.

All three methods support scheduling pushes. From now, Server Code and Push Notifications API’s were complemented with new methods to get the list of scheduled notifications and to remove them.

By using the web console you can achieve more functionality when editing scheduled pushes. You can remove them as well, but you can also change notifications content and lot of other options including push message, its sound and devices. Read the doc for details.

Push Notifications API changes

If you built an AngularJS app or jQuery Mobile app (library version 3.0), please make sure you are aware of these API changes:

New version of Appery.io Push Notification plugin has different way to read the message. The changes only concerns AngularJS apps and jQuery Mobile app with libraries version 3.0. If you ever wrote the event.notification.aps.alert code, you should replace it with new variant. So, find your code that looks like:


And replace it with the next string:


That’s all if your making the jQuery Mobile app, but for AngularJS one more step should done. Find PushRegisterDeviceImpl JavaScript file (under JavaScript folder) and replace the entire file with the code provided here.

Happy app building with better Appery.io!

Build Apps Faster with Automatic App Update, Visual API Service Designer, Angular Visual Binding Editor, and More Security Options

Update fast without going through the app store

Wouldn’t it be awesome to update your app without having to resubmit it to app stores? Now you can! With the new Appery.io AutoUpdate feature, you’ll only have to submit your app to the app stores once. You’ll use EXPORT > Auto update to build a new bundle with updated resources. Apps installed on devices will automatically download the updated bundle, meaning users won’t need to do anything for the update.

However, there are some restrictions due to security policies:

  • Only web-resources: HTML/JS/CSS resources could be updated with this feature;
  • Cordova and Cordova plugins couldn’t be updated with this feature;

The updated release bundle is the same for all platforms, so all mobile devices (Android and iOS) are updated simultaneously. See the documentation for more about this feature.

New API Express capabilities

Quickly create services with new visual builder

API Express, which allows you to use external relational databases with Appery.io, was updated with powerful visual tools. Now it’s really easy to build complex algorithms by combining multiple queries into one endpoint.


Read the rest of this entry »

Big Update: New Release Has Social Network Identity Integration and Much More


The new update has a lot of new features. These features include:

  • Social login and LDAP sign-on for apps
  • Offline capability in apps using the internal database or an external one
  • New Bootstrap and Ionic components
  • Outline page component view

Keep reading to learn more about what’s new in Appery.io.

Read the rest of this entry »

Upgrade: New AngularJS & Bootstrap Visual Builder and More

Platform Improvements for 2015: Enterprise Collaboration, Security, Speed…

An image of a mobile 2015
Happy Holidays! Before we close out 2014, we wanted to update the Appery.io platform with a number of really cool features:

  • Team collaboration enhancements
  • URL-based security in Secure Proxy
  • Faster proxy
  • Sharing with Appery.io support
  • New XHR implementation

Read the rest of this entry »

Appery.io July Update: New Features in App Builder, Database, Server Code and Much More

The Appery.io team just released a number of really nice features. Learn about what’s new in this post.

App Builder improvements

New jQuery Mobile Popup component

The new jQuery Mobile Popup component gives you more power to build app UI.  The component can be used to notify the user to confirm an action, or just display any important information.


More List options

We added a number of properties to the list to simplify UI building. For instance, it is now easy to make the list read-only.


We also added the ability to manage the list items order. You can do this by using the Index property in the Properties panel:


A better way to select icons

Everyone likes icons, and there is now a better way to select one. If the component supports an icon (List, Button etc.), the Icon property will be available:


By clicking “Choose,” the icons list will appear:


This is much more fun as you can see the actual icon.

Cloud database improvements

The Appery.io cloud database got a number of very useful upgrades.

Indexes management

By adding the ability to manage database indexes, we allow you speed up the frequently used queries. It’s a good thing to use when transferring a lot of data between the devices and Appery.io backend:


To reduce data transfer and speed up the app, use the MongoDB Projection concept that the Appery.io database now supports. By using Projection, you can selectively retrieve columns from the database without the need to transfer excess data (columns). This will decrease the data being sent to the client (app), and also increase app responsiveness.

New ACL editor – for simplified database access rights

User access control is  now more flexible with the new ACL editor. You can specify access rights for each user separately, for all users at once, or just for the user that created a specific collection entry:


The Appery.io database now supports the Media Manager that helps manage files. You can upload and delete any sort of files directly from the database console by using it:


API updates

It’s now possible to get a file list based on the Files collection content and provided ACL for every file (you can of course control user access rights for files too).

Database versioning for more peace of mind

It’s always a good idea to make a backup of your database. With the new database versioning features, you can create versions (backups) of the database and restore to a particular version instantly:


Server Code improvements

To make development and testing faster, we combined the Script tab and Test tab into a single page. You can now quickly test the script and see the execution result without the need to switch tabs:


API update

The Server Code API was upgraded with a new service – multiUpdateObject. By using it, you can update multiple objects via a single REST service. See the Server Code API to learn what functionality can be used on the Appery.io server side.

Customer Console improvements

Customer Console is a great way to create a development process where a customer can manage databases and push notifications without the developer attention. The Customer Console adds the following new features:

  • Export/import database data in JSON or CSV formats.
  • Schedule push notifications.


Push improvements

To simplify working with Push, we have moved the Push tab together with the app. So now it’s a lot simpler; with every app, you can enable its own push capability: 


If you new to Appery.io Push Notifications, we recommend starting with this tutorial.

App exporting improvements

Now, when the app is exported from the Appery.io with “Release” checkbox checked, JavaScript files will be minified. This option works for all binary exports and reduces the final binary size. Head to the Exporting the app section if you want to know more about Appery.io app exporting possibilities.

With every new Appery.io update, our goal is to make app development faster and simpler in the cloud.

Follow us Twitter, and Facebook.  And if there is anything we can do better, let us know on the forum.

July Update Release Notes

We pushed a number of really nice features over the weekend. Check out the release notes and what’s new. A full blog post is coming up shortly.

What Happened with the Upgrade This Weekend

As many of you know, we attempted to upgrade our platform this past weekend and had to roll the update back because of technical issues we encountered.  We made the tough decision to roll back the upgrade because, although painful, it would be least disruptive to our customers.   What happened is not acceptable to us.  We are growing fast and many of you rely on our platform for your business.  We are conducting a review of our process to ensure we deliver with quality each time.

Is my account impacted and if so what should I do?

Fortunately, for most of you, there was no impact.  However, if you opened and modified one of your projects between the times of Sunday at 4 AM Pacific and Monday 5 PM Pacific, some of your updates may have been lost as we rolled back to the earlier release.   If you believe you may have lost some of your changes, there is a good chance we can help you recover them.   Please contact our support channels so we can help you.

I will say this again, what happened over the weekend is unacceptable. We are already looking at ways to improve new features roll out.  In addition to improving our internal process, we are also considering deploying a beta system to both get early feedback on new features and also improve the quality of our new releases.  Another idea we’re considering is enabling users to manually upgrade their apps to new versions of our App Builder, rather than automatically updating them.  This would give you more control over your projects.  I’d love to hear from you about these and other ideas you may have.  Please feel free to write to me directly at max@appery.io

Max and the Appery.io team.

New Mapping

Update (May 27): links were unlinked as this content not currently available.

Appery.io developers: we just upgraded the mapping feature in Appery.io! It’s now a lot more powerful and flexible.  This post is a quick overview of what has changed. The two links (Mapping, Model and Storage) provide more details on the new features. Read this post and then visit the links to learn more.

  • Mapping
  • Model and Storage

Old mapping

This is how the old mapping looked. This shows a data source (service) has been added to the page:

Screen Shot 2014-05-24 at 10.50.02 PM

Clicking on Edit Mapping, would open the service request mapping:

Screen Shot 2014-05-24 at 10.54.00 PM

and this is service response mapping:

Screen Shot 2014-05-24 at 10.54.17 PM

New service events and mapping

The new mapping is a lot more flexible and greatly simplifies building mobile apps in Appery.io. When you switch to Data view, a data source will now be shown like this. Make sure to click the expand arrow on the left to see the data source events:

Screen Shot 2014-05-24 at 10.57.04 PM

The mapping in Before send event and in Success event – that’s the exact the same old mapping Appery.io had before and the one you are used to. When a service was invoked, the request mapping would happen on Before send event and response mapping would happen on Success event.

As you can see what we have now is a lot more flexible. In addition to doing mapping, you can now also run any other action (click +Add button to see the actions), plus Run JavaScript which allows you to run any custom script. Plus, you can invoke any action on Error and Complete events. You can even run the new Mapping action on those events!

New Mapping action

The new Mapping action allows you to invoke mapping on any event, not just on service invocation (last in the list):

Screen Shot 2014-05-24 at 11.08.13 PM

The new Mapping action can also be invoked from the UI:

Screen Shot 2014-05-24 at 11.22.07 PM

For example, on button click, you can move data from page to storage, or from storage to page:

Screen Shot 2014-05-24 at 11.24.24 PM

Mapping: page, service, storage

The mapping is no longer limited to service-page mapping. You can now map data between page, service and storage. This is where the new Mapping actions comes into play. Before you could only map between page and service. Now you can map between page and storage (local storage, session storage). In other words, you can map data from page into storage, or move map data from storage to page. Here is how the new mapping looks:

Screen Shot 2014-05-24 at 11.18.17 PM

Notice that on the left side there are: Page and Storage. On the right side there are: Page, Storage, and Service Request. With the new mapping, we have simplified mapping between Page, Storage and Service.


Please read the following pages that explain in more detail the new features:

  • Mapping
  • Model and Storage



Appery.io platform adds speed, server jobs, Google Analytics, Windows Phone build, Customer Console, more Webhooks, and many more features

The Appery.io team released a number of really cool features over the weekend. Here is what’s new.

It’s faster

We made a lot of things go faster. You will see a big app builder speed improvement (and we are still not done, more speed is coming).

Easily schedule server-side jobs

You are building an app that needs to check for inventory once every hour or once a day? Now you can easily do this with new Server Code scheduler feature. Because this is a server-side script, the actual device can even be offline, but the script will still run. You pick a script and just set the schedule to run:


Manage app data and send push messages with Customer Console

Built a restaurant app for a client and would like the restaurant owner to manage the menu or send push message for special promotions? Now you can easily create a special Customer  Console for an app and let the client manage the app data and push messages. With the just launched Customer Console, the client can edit app data (data from database), and send push notifications, all from a user-friendly console (and you don’t need to be involved). You can even publish the Customer Console to a custom domain.


Get app insight with Google Analytics

Now you can easily collect statistics from you app by using the Google Analytics. Watch how many users use the app, or analyze data for certain periods. All the power of the Google Analytics is in your Appery.io app:


Styling the app with CSS is easier and faster

Earlier, when working with CSS  you have to test your app every time you want to see the changes. Now, you can see all the changes based on your CSS files directly inside the Appery.io app builder without the need to launch the app in the browser. Just write or edit the CSS and switch back to page to see the result:


Manage binary certificates in one place

New and convenient certificate management tool helps keep all certificates in one place. Mark certificate as default to be used by all apps, or choose a specific certificate for an app in Project > App settings. As before, you can auto-generate Android certificates inside the Appery.io platform:


Quickly build and deploy for Windows Phone

Need to build a binary for Windows Phone? It’s now as simple and fast as building for iOS and Android:


Customize and integrate more with additional Webhooks

We launched Webhooks in January to allow easy integration with other systems. In addition to app specific events (right screen shot), we just added account-wide Webhooks (left screen shot) such as App created, App removed and App renamed. With new Webhooks, you get more options to integrate with other systems:


Custom domain HTTPS hosting

Appery.io apps can be hosted on custom domain, and now the custom domain options also supports https.

As always, if you have any questions, feedback or comments, feel free to contact us at support@appery.io, post something on our forum or ping us on Twitter.