Creating input fields with HTML5 placeholder feature

(Cross-posted on Maxa Blog)

HTML5 introduces a handy new feature for input elements. Using placeholder attribute, you can place a slightly greyed out label inside an input field. When you click on the field and enter text, the label clears. If you delete the input, the placeholder labels appears again. Here is an example (assuming you are using HTML5 complaint browser):

HTML5 code looks like this:


You can do the same thing in Prototype Builder or Mobile Apps Builder. Now, it involves a little trick but we will make it much simpler in the near future. Let’s say we start with a screen like this (editor view):

  1. Click the screen outside the phone area, switch to Events view
  2. Click Add Event and select Load
  3. Click the + sign to add an action and select Set HTML Attribute
  4. Component name: find the first input component. Its name should be set to something like ‘mobileinputtextX’ (unless you renamted it)
  5. Property name: placeholder
  6. Value: enter any text you want to see in inside the input
  7. Click OK
  8. Repeat the same for the second input component.
  9. Click Web Preview to view the app in Web browser
  10. To view on your phone, select Web Preview > Configure and select Anybody can view this project on the Web. The open the URL shown on your phone.

Try out this app via QR code below:

Yes, it’s too many steps to add such functionality. It’s really just a workaround for now. We will make it possible to set any attributes from Properties view, without needing to add event and action.

Here is how it looks in a Web browser: updates with new features, subscription plans and a peek at mobile apps builder tool

Mobile components now support different themes

Would like to add some color? Mobile components now support different themes:

  • Gray
  • White
  • Yellow
  • Black
  • Blue

Quick and easy layout change for Mobile prototypes

Quickly change mobile layout via icons in the tool bar:

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Try this very interactive HTML prototype created in

Check out this interactive prototype. It was complety created in using the new events/actions feature.

Every time a new wonder is selected, a different image is shown. On click event, the image src attribute is updated with a new image. When you click Find Out where?, a pop-up opens showing the location of the wonder. Every time a new wonder is selected, a custom location JavaScript variable is set. Inside the pop-up, component which display the location is bound to this variable. Pretty cool, huh?

Create your first interactive prototype in Web and Mobile Prototypes Tool on article on 2.0 packs powerful new features: expanded events/actions, page templates, custom components and annotations. 2.0 packs powerful new features: expanded events/actions, templates, custom components and annotations. Try the new today

Events and actions

We have greatly expanded actions and events feature and now in addition to navigating between pages, you can set events such as click, value change and associate actions with those events such as setting a value, opening a pop-up window and much more. We are taking HTML prototypes to, well, real HTML prototypes. The following actions are supported (and more are coming soon):

  • Set HTML attribute
  • Set Property
  • Navigate to Page
  • Navigate to Link
  • Open as Popup
  • Close Popup

To start using the expanded events/actions features, just switch to the new Events tab.

Page templates

Who doesn’t need or like templates? As the prototype becomes bigger, making changes that repeat on every page becomes more difficult and time consuming. That’s why we just introduced templates – frequently requested feature!. You will be able to save any screen as a template and then use the template to create new pages based on it. How do you like this time-saving feature!

Custom components

Need to reuse two or more components multiple times? Now you can create a composite custom component to use anywhere in your project. The composite component will appear in Custom Components palette. To create such component, just select two or more components and click Create Template button.


Collaborating and sharing the prototype was possible since the beginning. However, it can be very useful to be able to leave notes or comments inside the prototype for users to view later such as “Change button label to “Save”. Now it’s possible with the Annotations features. Another cool and useful feature! To activate annotations, click Show Annotations at the bottom of the application.

New View with three tabs – Explorer, Outline and Components

To make it easier to work with projects that have large number of pages, we have created a new view which combines Explorer, Outline and Components tabs. Explorer tab is for pages, Outline tab is for quick navigation, and Components tabs has all the controls you can use to create prototypes, it will also list your custom components.

Feedback from the community

We also fixed or added the following issues reported by users:

You can always tell us what you think by visiting or on Twitter: @apperyio.

Happy Interactive Prototyping!

New features coming up: action/events, templates, and annotations

We are working hard on getting the next major release of out and have planned a number of major and user requested features: actions and events, templates and annotations (notes). Here is a quick preview of what’s coming up!

Expanded actions and events

Today you can navigate between pages but wouldn’t it be cool if it was possible to define other actions and events. Well, that’s coming up. We are expending actions and events feature and soon you will be able to set events such as onclick, onchange and others and associate actions with those events such as setting a value, opening a pop-up window and much more. We are taking HTML prototypes to, well, real HTML prototypes.

Screen templates

Who doesn’t need or like templates? As the prototype becomes bigger, making changes that repeat on every page becomes more difficult and time consuming. That’s why we are introducing templates. You will be able to save any screen as a template and then use the template to create new pages based on it. How do you like this time-saving feature!

Annotations (notes)

Need to comment on particular component or design? Need to leave a note for other users with whom you shared the prototype? You will be able to do it very soon. We are adding annotations feature where you can add notes to the prototype (these notes will not be visible in Web Preview of course).

But, don’t wait, try today! release – user survey, a few minor features, and bug fixes

Today team released a minor update, release In addition to some behind the scene improvements, we added a user survey (shown only once) and a number of small improvements.

When you login to, you might be presented with a survey. It should take you under a minute to complete the survey. Please tell us how you use and what features you would like to see.

Web Preview is now a 1-click action. Just click Web Preview button to see how your prototype looks in Web browser. If you need to configure preview, click the down arrow and select Configure.

We have made it even simpler to share your prototype. We have added popular share icons to Web Preview version. In case you don’t want the icons in your Web Preview version, select Web Preview/Configure and uncheck Display share buttons in Preview.

Export to HTML link is now visible right under the project name. It was previously an action in Options menu and many people didn’t know it was there.

We also updated our home page with 3 simple steps you need to take to start creating, sharing and previewing interactive HTML prototypes. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Lastly, we fixed two issues reported by users.

Not just pictures, real HTML components with properties

What makes different from other tools that just let you export a picture is that you can create real and interactive HTML. Every component in (and we are going to add more) comes with properties to configure the component. Of course when you preview the prototype in web browser, whatever properties you set will be generated in HTML. You go from a prototype to an HTML prototype – which is really very close the actual application UI.

Let’s take one of the most popular components in, the button, and see what properties you can work with.

You can set the button label (that’s kind of obvious). prototypes are interactive and let you define navigation between pages. When running in web browser, you will navigate between pages. If you have multiple screens, you can set navigation like this:

Tab Index allows you to set the tab index order when you preview the prototype in the browser and use the Tab key to navigate the input components.

Scrolling farther in properties, you will see other properties you can set shown below. As you can see, you can set everything from padding, margins to standard formatting such as font face, color, size and style. The very last property allows you to set round corners.

Having all the properties is very powerful as you can create real interactive HTML prototypes with actions and events and not just static images. We soon we are going to expand action and events. You will be able to build even more interactive prototypes. 1.2.6 brings new features and enhancements

Today we released version 1.2.6 with numerous features and enhancements. Behind the scenes, we made the editor more stable and faster. We think you will really like what we have in this release.

Mobile palette

New link and spacer mobile controls to make it simpler to build mobile prototypes:

Mobile preview

Mobile preview now shows the prototype within the actual screen size you defined in properties:

Select a predefined size or set a custom one:

Flexible tabs

Tabs layout container got even more flexible. In addition to positioning the tabs at the top or bottom, you can also now position tabs on left or right:

Navigation added to menu component

It was possible to navigate between pages using a link, button or an image but somehow we missed the menu. Well, it’s now possible to navigate via menu as well. Drag and drop a menu into a page and head to properties to set navigation:

More fine-grained sharing controls

If you shared a project before, the user you shared with had full access to the project, he or she could edit, delete, preview and invite others to share. Starting with this release, you can control what permissions each user has. And, you can invite multiple users at once, just separate emails with a comma or semicolon.

Editor improvements

Edit mode after insert

When you insert a new component, the component is inserted in edit mode automatically, so it’s easier to edit (no longer need to double click to enter edit mode):

Easily edit grid and table rows/columns

Let’s just say editing a grid or table row/column wasn’t the simplest task to do. Luckily, we made it much simpler. Just click the edit icon (pencil) in a column and select your action. That’s it. You can also edit rows/columns in properties.

New property for setting tab index

When viewing a prototype in a Web browser, it’s important to be able to test how tabbing works on input components. When creating a prototype, it’s now possible to set a tab index for input components:

Radio button groups

Creating a radio button group was some what tricky (had to place the buttons inside a container). You don’t have to do it any more. A new property allows you to include any number of radio buttons in a separate group:

Delete account

We hope you will never do, but if you really really have to, you can now delete your account by going to My Account (just in case, you will have 2 weeks to reactivate it). [User requested].


As always, let us know what you think and what features you would like to see: Don’t forget to follow on Twitter (@apperyio).

Export prototype as HTML bundle

Although you can preview a prototype in a browser and share the link, sometimes you might want to get the entire project – all the pages, JavaScript and CSS and run it locally on your machine or send it to someone. All you need to do is export the prototype as HTML bundle and you will get all the pages, JavaScript and CSS.

When in Projects page, select Options/Export as HTML bundle. You will be prompted to save a zip file containing your complete prototype.