Go Digital on a Shoestring Budget with Appery.io PWAs

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is the most cost-effective way to go on the market fast with a mobile app. It can help dramatically save on development and maintenance if you compare a PWA with a native app. PWAs take advantage of the open standards offered by web browsers to provide the benefits of a rich mobile experience.

Sample PWA

This sample Appery.io PWA developed in 16 hours looks like a native app and can work offline.

Native-like mobile experience

Surf over in iOS Safari or Android Chrome to https://pizza-pwa.app.appery.io/ and add the opened page to your phone’s home screen to create a seamless native-like mobile experience.

Please note that changing the demo database content is disabled.

Working offline

A service worker (a script staying behind the scene) uses a cache mechanism to manage HTTP requests. Opening the app for the first time online saves all the data on to the device automatically. When offline, searching and listing stay fully functional effortlessly. (Please note that iOS 11.4.1 provides limited support of this feature.)

Programming a PWA

Making a PWA is as easy as 1, 2, 3 with Appery.io‘s support for the development of Ionic 3, Ionic 1, and JQuery apps. Just pick the Ionic 3 option to start developing a PWA. To review or reuse the sample Pizza PWA download this zip archive. The demo app consists of:

  • HTML5 pages
  • A service worker
  • An Appery.io Mongo database
  • A JSON-based manifest

After restoring it into Appery.io, make sure that the app refers to a valid database, and the appropriate plug-in is installed. Once all these steps are taken care of, run the building process. Voilà, the demo app is ready for testing.

Testing a PWA

Google published a checklist that breaks down all the things that are important in order to develop a basic PWA. And, the checklist shows you how to go further to make a truly advanced PWA, one that provides a more meaningful offline experience and reaches interactivity even faster, along with other improvements.

For verification of many items on this checklist, Google suggests using the Lighthouse tool.

In addition, the following tools can be utilized to validate some items on the checklist:

  • Selenium and other WebDriver-based frameworks
  • Headless browser tools like Google puppeteer, PhantomJS, and JSDom
  • Appium and Espresso

Are you up to developing a PWA? Then start using Appery.io for FREE!

The September Release with Ionic 3 Support Has Arrived!

The September release for the Appery.io mobile app platform has just been rolled out. This announcement post will be very short…because we have only one main update. Here it is:

Ionic Version 3 Support

You asked, and we heard. Support for the latest version of this advanced framework has been added into Appery.io. We now support Ionic 3 with all its features. For now, the platform support for Ionic 3 is in beta, but fully usable. Also, you won’t have to abandon your existing projects in Ionic as Ionic 3 will appear as a separate framework.

Hacking a Hackathon with Appery.io

A hackathon is usually an all day long coding competition where a motley team of software programmers, developers, and designers sit together to design and develop something quickly. The goal of a hackathon is to create usable software in the least amount of time. In order to avoid the burden of building infrastructure and steep learning curve issues, many hackathon attendees (“hackathonees”) search for a Swiss army knife to use.

Luckily, with Appery.io, a cloud-based rapid software development platform, hackathonees satisfy all of these goals. Among them are top-notch companies such as a the largest bank in the Middle East, a worldwide healthcare company, and a global hackathon organization that has already fueled many internal and public codefests with Appery.io.

Concentrate on Innovation Not Infrastructure

Appery.io has integrated mobile back-end services, including database, push, and server code. In addition, it can be used to easily and securely integrate apps with any back-end system. Offline synchronization is included, too. And, dozens of free out-of-the-box plugins are available.

Smooth Learning Curve

According to the Appery.io community members, it takes just 2 to 3 days for a novice to master the platform and start building functional hybrid apps. (Of course, some basic knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and databases are nice to have to make the learning curve shorter.) In addition, the platform has tons of well-organized DIY videos and manuals as well as free downloadable sample apps.

Easy to Start

Here is a five-minute video showing how to build a mobile app with a cloud database from A to Z.

Are you a hackathonee? Start using Appery.io for FREE!

Baking a Pizza Application à la Appery.io in 5 Minutes

In software development, the four basic functions are represented by the acronym CRUD: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These facilitate viewing, searching, and changing information. Every application requires the presence of such functions.

If you are up to building a responsive web application in the most cost-effective way, using the Appery.io Pizza sample can be very handy. The sample is a fully functional responsive application—based on Google’s Material Design—to present pizza recipes along with ingredients. It includes create, read, update and delete functions as well as searching and filtering. In terms of components, the application consists of:

  • Appery.io plug-in
  • Database
  • Server-side script

In order to make it live, you need very little in the way of development skills. It takes literally five minutes for a citizen developer to assemble the application out of building blocks as described in https://docs.appery.io/docs/material-angularjs-app-plugin-example. To further perfect the application, you can add more spicy features to fit your tastes as listed in https://docs.appery.io/docs/samples-overview.

Voilà, the Pizza application is ready!

From Startup to Enterprise: Leveraging Appery.io

Israel, a tiny country of only eight million people, has more startups per capita than any other country in the world. Most of the Israeli startups are focused on cybersecurity, digital marketing, medical equipment, and SaaS-based technologies. Unfortunately, Israeli startups have been struggling to scale for the last decade. Only a few companies have scaled up into enterprises. This is disappointing for a country with so much potential.

Each startup is unique, but every entrepreneur faces the same set of strategic challenges to overcome. According to successful entrepreneurs, once a startup is initiated, the founder needs to pay special attention to a few of the long-term strategic questions for scaling up.

  • How do I strengthen my market position through innovation?
  • How do I support growth in human capital?
  • How do I attract foreign venture capital investors?

As part of focusing on these strategic points, the leading cloud-based, rapid development environment for building mobile and responsive apps, known as Appery.io, can become a Swiss army knife for entrepreneurs. Here’s why:

Concentrate on Innovation Not Infrastructure

With Appery.io, a citizen developer can build a basic mobile hybrid app connected to a cloud database literally in five minutes.

Furthermore, a team of professional developers can easily power up the original basic app with Appery.io built-in enterprise features. In a recent success story, we described such a collaboration in which the customer drafted the app screens using the platform and then our developers added in the rest.

Scale the Team Quickly

With R&D centers in North America and Europe, Appery.io can augment a startup team with five-hour, forty-hour, or longer assignments. And, a 24/7 support line is available to customers. All Appery.io in-house professionals are creative thinkers and leaders. In addition, they speak fluent English and Russian.

Gateway to the World Market

Appery.io provides several pathways into the world market for startups. Appery.io also has an extensive platform community of over 300,000 customers across the world. In addition, the Appery.io website publishes many success stories of innovative projects using its platform to a world-wide audience:

Final Words

One more thing. Nothing is written in stone. Dare to desire. Appery.io is here to assist you.

Build an Appery.io Hybrid App to Hook Up with Ethereum

While Bitcoin cryptocurrency is revolutionizing online payments, Ethereum is now ready to revolutionize any industry that deals with data or transactions of any kind:

  • Banking and payments
  • Cybersecurity
  • Supply chain management
  • Networking and IoT
  • Forecasting
  • Insurance
  • Private transport & ride sharing
  • Online data storage
  • Charity
  • Voting
  • Government
  • Public benefits
  • Healthcare
  • Energy management
  • Online music
  • Retail
  • Real estate
  • Crowdfunding

All the blockchain-based systems such as Bitcoin or Ethereum are software. In order to start using Ethereum, a wallet along with an associated address is required. Once this is in place, a dispatched transaction can be broadcast to the network, where “miners” verify it and add it to the transaction history.

Using Appery.io with Ethereum

Naturally, it’s quite easy to use Appery.io to build a hybrid app hooked up with Ethereum. It just takes a few simple steps to build the wallet and ready the Ethereum setup.

First things first. In order to do anything on an Ethereum network you need to create an account. There are various ways to go about this, but the simplest one, suggested by Ethereum developers, is through the command line tool. Once this is done, a public key and a private key are issued. The public key is your unique address on the network.

After that, if you want to go with your own cryptocurrency, you need to build a smart contract using the command line. This produces a unique smart contract address. Also, make sure that you manifest enough of your own coins on your smart contract.

Next, the easiest way to develop the wallet app is to leverage the Appery.io API Express Ethereum component. With Appery.io, a citizen developer can concentrate on innovation not infrastructure to build the wallet app. The wallet is a two-page app. The first page shows the current balance in various cryptocurrencies as well as a list of transactions. The second page executes transactions. In addition, a sign-in page can be introduced to address security issues. Under the hood, the Appery.io API Express Ethereum services (built into the component) consume the aforementioned account and contract addresses to do the job.

Then, you need to top up your account to start testing the wallet app. In order to obtain free test Ethers, please go to faucet.rinkeby.io.

Finally, start the wallet app. Voilà! Now you are ready to send and receive cryptocoins.

Screencap Gallery

Learn How to Build an Appery.io Hybrid App to Hook Up with Ethereum Learn How to Build an Appery.io Hybrid App to Hook Up with Ethereum Learn How to Build an Appery.io Hybrid App to Hook Up with Ethereum


A Look Ahead: Ionic 3 App Builder Version in Appery.io


This summer we will introduce a beta version of Ionic 3 App Builder in Appery.io! This will be a huge step forward for us and we would like to ask You, our customers, to help us test this mobile app development framework version in our platform.

Ionic 3 will be compatible with Angular 4 and comes with many significant performance, usability, and feature improvements over past versions.

This beta version will include the Ionic 3 components and only basic Appery.io platform features. (More details about specific features will be announced in a follow-up to this post.)

Thanks for staying with us all this time, and we hope You will like our new Ionic 3 version.

May Release: Small Things, Big Difference – GDPR and Ethereum

The May release for Appery.io mobile app platform is coming this weekend. The main new additions are:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance
  • Ethereum Support

General Data Protection Regulation Compliance

The European Union has introduced new regulations for collecting and storing personal data. The regulations go into effect at the end of May. The regulations cover the information that can be requested by websites, from cookies to private email. This is an important thing to pay attention to for app builders—and app users.
So, we’ve rewritten our terms of use to comply with the new regulations.

(And, don’t worry. Your data is safe with us.)

Ethereum Support

Ethereum is a decentralized platform for running smart contracts, applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of down-time, censorship, fraud, or third-party interference. These apps run on a custom-built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property.

Now, this feature is available in the API Express part of our platform. The detailed description will be available in our documentation right after the release.

And Then, There’s More

The release includes a few other things. In features, the Fetch size parameter will be available for the SQL component (one of the most popular features of the API Express). And, there are fewer bugs. Of course, we have fixed a lot of them.

Keep in Touch

If you run into any hiccups with this release, please reach out to us via the forum or by sending us an email. (To send us an email, sign into the platform and click the Get Help link at the top.)

Finally, remember, our developers are always happy to help you with your application. To make you feel more comfortable about getting this help, you will see the complete sum (including all discounts) you’ll be charged before agreeing to proceed.


No Fooling. It’s Our April Platform Update.

April 1st is Easter this year on the Western Christian calendar and April Fools’ Day in many countries, but it’s also the day we roll out another release of the Appery.io mobile app platfom. Here are some of the “Easter eggs” you’ll find in this release.

Ability to Use One’s Own SSL Certificates with Custom Domains for a Hosting Service

In Appery.io Builder you can create not only mobile apps but web apps too. You can easily publish them on our domain, but you might prefer to publish them on your own server. Before, this required advanced IT knowledge, but now it’s getting easier to upload your app to your custom domain because we’ve added the ability to upload SSL certificates directly in the Builder.

New Cordova Push Plug-in 2.x

Most of our users send push notifications in their apps. And since this release, we support the new version of the push plug-in with more advanced features!

Detailed documentation and examples will be available once we’ve rolled out this release.

Launch Storyboard Images for iOS

New features for iOS appear all the time. It’s great when they become available, but then Apple requires them to be in the apps uploaded to the AppStore. The launch image set, also known as splash screens, supported by the Appery.io platform has become outdated. So, in this release, we have introduced a new approach called launch storyboard images. You should get fewer issues with uploading your app to the AppStore, which is where they should be!

More Plan Information

Now you can get more information about your plan (Server Code Script Execution Interval, Burst Rate API, etc.) on your Account tab. Just click on the information button near your plan!

Creating a Database Connection Using a Custom JDBC URL

The is a new feature for our API Express! Now our users can create a database connection and specify only username, password, and JDBC URL. It’s a very useful option, for example, in some cases where you need to create a connection with an Oracle database. You will find out more in our documentation as soon as we roll out the release.

Only PNG Files for Splash Screens Available

New Cordova libraries require only .png images for the splash screen, so we have added this ability to avoid this issue.

Bugs (Less of Them)

No update is complete without bug fixes. So, yes, we fixed a great number of large and small bugs to make the platform better.

We Built an IoT App to Control Temperature and Humidity in 16 Hours

According to numerous scientific studies, a comfortable work environment directly contributes to the bottom line. Hear what these experts say:

“With high air quality, an individual productivity improvement can range from 13.5% up to 87%.”

— Prof. Vivian Loftness, Carnegie Mellon University

“The incidence of absenteeism or respiratory infections was found to be lower among people working in high air quality environments.”

— Prof. Anthony V. Arundel, University of Tasmania

With that in mind, we decided to improve its controllable indoor air quality. To accomplish this goal, an Appery.io-powered solution has been built to control temperature and humidity in its office spaces in the face of the most demanding conditions.

The solution’s design is based on a hub to aggregate probes, a database, and a mobile app. Appery.io API Express (built into the Appery.io platform) was used to expose both the Raspberry Pi sensors and the Appery.io cloud database as REST services, making the orchestration process smooth and fast.

In addition, each conference facility is managed by a booking app to ensure higher utilization. As a result of its initial success, that booking app was extended to provide an interface for controlling indoor air quality.

The really amazing thing was that the complete solution was designed, developed, and tested in about 16 hours.