September release $a, $v, Appery Helper and Global Functions

Today we are pleased to announce the September release of with new alias $a of Appery helper, global variable $v and global functions!

Let’s look at what’s new



‘$a’ is an alias for the Appery helper ‘Apperyio’. Now, instead of writing:


you can use a much shorter form:




‘$v’ is an alias for global variables that were previously accessed through Apperyio.vars.

$v is a place for storing any data as ‘global’. For example, to transfer data between screens.

this.$v.myData = 12345;
this.$v.userInfo = {id: 123, name: 'Joe'};

For more detailed information about ‘$v’, you can refer to our documentation


Appery Helper

The list of functions and properties for the Appery helper ‘$a’ has been significantly expanded. This expansion greatly simplifies the invocation of the most commonly used operations. For example, if you need to display a modal window and pass parameters to it, this can now be achieved in a single line of code:

let data = await this.$a.modal("EditUser", {name: 'john'});

If you need to display a loading indicator, a simple call will do:

await this.$a.showLoading();

And if you need to perform a GET request:

let res = await this.$a.get("");

You can explore the full list of available functions on this page:


Global Functions

Global functions have been added. Now, in the Functions section under Modal and Storage, you can define a function, for example ‘sum’, which will be accessible on all screens, custom components, services, etc., using this.$v.sum()


For more detailed information about global functions, you can refer to our documentation


We believe this new feature will be of great value to our users. We appreciate your continued use of, and we wish you a happy developing!

Thank you for using and Happy Developing!

Your Team