Development Tip: Internationalisation In AngularJS Apps With Angular Translate


Internationalisation is one of the must have feature when building global reach mobile apps. An Angular Translate module can be really helpful in translating your app UI. It can be included into an app in a few quick steps:

  • Go to the Angular Translate page and download the latest release bundle. Inside this bundle you’ll find angular-translate.min.js file – the one that you need to upload.
  • Open your AngularJS app, click CREATE NEW > JavaScript. Type angular-translate.min for the name and select Upload from file, and browse for this file on your PC. Also, change its Type to Angular module, check the Use shim check box and finally, type pascalprecht.translate for Shim exports: input. Click Create JavaScript once the file will be uploaded.
  • Now, another module should be created. It will be responsible for the Angular Translate configuration. Perform CREATE NEW > JavaScript, type AngularTranslate for the name, and choose Angular module for Type. Click Create JavaScript.
  • You’ll see an Angular module template and a lot of commented configuring options. First, this module requires pascalprecht.translate as dependency, so add it  to square brackets. Here is how it should look:
    var module = angular.module('AngularTranslate', ['pascalprecht.translate']);
  • Configuration logic should be added to the module.config function. Here is how your whole module should look when the configuration logic has been added:
    define(['require', 'angular'], function(require, angular) {
        var module = angular.module('AngularTranslate', ['pascalprecht.translate']);
            ["$translateProvider", function($translateProvider) {
                $translateProvider.translations('en', {
                    TITLE: 'Hello',
                    FOO: 'This is a paragraph.',
                    BUTTON_LANG_EN: 'english',
                    BUTTON_LANG_DE: 'german'
                $translateProvider.translations('de', {
                    TITLE: 'Hallo',
                    FOO: 'Dies ist ein Paragraph.',
                    BUTTON_LANG_EN: 'englisch',
                    BUTTON_LANG_DE: 'deutsch'
  • The last step is to create a simple UI and check the translation engine. Go to any page in your app, place a Button on the page and provide {{ 'TITLE' | translate }} for its Text property. Launch the app!
  • If you see Hello on the button – you’re done.

One option is to customise the translation mechanism to initiate the language based on the browser or device language. For example, you can get the browser or device language like this:


Try Ionic app backup with Angular Translate included if you facing some issues.

Read more Angular Translate possibilities in its docs, and make sure you check out all of our mobile development tips.

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