I Love Tiggzi
From a Tiggzi user:
From a Tiggzi user:
As we continue to add new features to Appery.io Mobile Apps Builder, we have also launched a new help site: http://docs.appery.io. It has documentation, getting started guides, how-to’s, release notes and road map. It’s work in progress. If we are missing something, do let us know via email support@appery.io or http://getsatisfaction.com/apperyio.
Earlier this week we released Appery.io version 2.3.2. Most of the updates are for Mobile Apps Builder. There is a new services editor, new jQuery Mobile theme editor and we launched a new help site.
New services editor is now easier to use, it clearly separates service setting (such as name, URL ) and service request parameters and response parameters into separate panels.
What’s really cool is that you can now test the service right from Appery.io. When entering the request parameters, there is a Test button. This allows you to check that the service works and what soft of output (JSON) is returned.
But, there is another very cool feature. Every service returns data and you need to define response parameters (which later can be mapped to components). Some services return many parameters and manually creating each parameter can be tedious. When you test the service there is Populate Response Button. When the button is clicked, all the output parameters from the service will be automatically created. Here is how it looks using Twitter’s search URL (http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=html5):
Lastly, you can also paste the response from a service to auto create response parameters. This works sort of like an “echo” test. This is useful if you are not able to invoke the service but do know its response format. In Response Parameters panel, click Populate from Sample Response. Then, paste the response.
Mobile Apps Builder comes with 6 jQuery Mobile themes out-of-the-box. Now you can also create custom themes. To create one, in Project view, click Add > Theme. You will see the theme editor:
As you modify the theme (on the left), the phone on the right will instantly be updated with the changes.
We launched a new help and developers site: http://docs.appery.io. It’s still work in progress but do let us know if there is content you want us to add.
Click to read: Appery.io Mobile Apps Builder – JavaLobby Q&A
If you worked with JSON, then you are aware of the cross-domain policy which prevents a script loaded from one domain, to invoke services from another domain. This means that the domain of the requested URL must be the same as the domain of the current page. A number of work around exists but one of the most popular once is using JSONP. JSONP allows a requesting URL from one domain to invoke a service from a different domain. Appery.io Mobile Apps Builder now supports JSONP. Why is this important? Well, it makes very simple to build and test mobile apps in Appery.io. Now a page can be loaded from abc.com domain and invoke a service from xyz.com. Most REST services today support JSONP.
To use JSONP is very simple. When defining REST service, select jsonp for Data Type:
JSONP support
To try this in action, try this Twitter Search app built in Appery.io.
Twitter Search built with Mobile Apps Builder
After a short private beta we are happy to announced that Appery.io Mobile Apps Builder is now open to everyone. Now, the app is still beta and we have tons of features we are planning to add. So, just go to https://appery.io and click on Sign Up Now for Mobile Apps Builder. Then try one of our getting started guides but first read this (we are adding more tutorials). It’s a 6-step guide on how to approach building mobile apps in Appery.io.
Need a particular feature, service or component? Tell us here: http://getsatisfaction.com/apperyio.
Last week we launched Appery.io Mobile Apps Builder beta program (you can sign up from at https://appery.io). There are two Getting Started Guides available: Twitter Search and Weather Search and now you can also watch these cool videos!
Building Twitter Search App:
Building Weather Search App, Part 1/2:
Building Wether App Search, Part 2/2: