Where To Find Us In May

Using Aepona API Services in Mobile Apps with Appery.io Mobile App Builder [Webinar recording]

Appery.io At AT&T Mobile Hackathon, and Mobile Monday: Multi-platform Build Tools Events

We are going to be at two really awesome events. First is the AT&T Mobile Hackathon in Seattle April 13-14. Appery.io app builder is really an amazing tool to use during hackathons simply because it allows to build HTML5 and PhoneGap mobile apps super fast, connected to any REST API. Anyone who attends the hackathon in Seattle and wants to use Appery.io (or just wants to sign up) will get 4 months free Pro plan (that’s $200 value).

The second is Mobile Monday: Multi-platform Build Tools event on Monday, April 16 at Verizon offices in San Francisco. There are going to be 4 great presentations:

  1. PhoneGap (Adobe)
  2. Appery.io Mobile App Builder
  3. Marmalade
  4. Trigger.io

Appery.io Mobile App Builder at ATT Mobile Hackathon in San Diego

Webinar: Appery.io Plugins – The Pre-packaged Approach to Consuming REST APIs in jQuery Mobile App

Appery.io Mobile App Builder stands out in how easy it is to in­cor­po­rate REST ser­vices with public APIs into mo­bile apps. Appery.io now makes it even easier by prepack­aging the steps you would go through to con­nect an app to a ser­vice as plug-​​ins. Along with this new plug-​​in fea­ture for easy code re-​​use, get a peek at our new Service Catalog we’ll be growing with pre-​​packaged ver­sions of pop­ular and useful APIs. Also, see the re-​​designed Visual Data Mapper.

Join our in­ter­ac­tive we­binar to learn all about these ex­citing fea­tures. We’ll be building an app in min­utes, and at­ten­dees will be able to try the app on their de­vices as it’s being built.

Appery.io Plug-​​ins: The Pre-​​packaged Approach to Consuming APIs
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
11am US Pacific Time
Register: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/949571032

See our last we­binar on YouTube!

Building HTML5 Mobile Apps with Appery.io Using Parse Back-end Services [Webinar recording]

Webinar: Building HTML5 Mobile Apps with Appery.io using Parse Backend Services

Join our interactive webinar to learn how to build an HTML5 mobile app in Appery.io Mobile App Builder using back-end services provided by Parse. We will create and define mobile services we set up on Parse that are exposed via REST. Then, we will build an HTML5 app in Appery.io and show how to connect the app to these Parse REST services using a visual data mapper. Attendees will be able to try the app on their devices as it’s being built.

When: Thursday, February 23, 2012 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST
Register: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/294792825

Build Your Mobile App in Minutes with Appery.io for Musicians [Webinar recording]

Webinar: Build Your Mobile App in Minutes with Appery.io for Musicians


Appery.io is a Web-​​based plat­form for building mo­bile apps for iPhone, Android, or HTML5. We re­cently launched Appery.io for Musicians to ex­tend Appery.io and show­cased it at the re­cent NAMM show.

Appery.io for Musicians cus­tomizes and fur­ther sim­pli­fies the mo­bile de­vel­op­ment process for mu­si­cian apps. It guides you through a se­ries of steps to grab con­tent you al­ready have in the Cloud. Now all mu­si­cians can have a mo­bile strategy to pro­mote their music.

Want to know more? Want to see it for your­self? Know someone who would be interested?
Join us as award-​​winning per­forming artist Alexa Weber Morales shows how you can create mo­bile apps for your music fans or cus­tomers in less than 10 min­utes! Afterward, Alexa and David Schoenbach will an­swer your questions.

See you there!

Build Your Mobile App in Minutes with Appery.io for Musicians
January 31, Tuesday
11am US Pacific Time
Register: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/887753456

Building jQuery Mobile, HTML5 Mobile App with SoundCloud REST API [Webinar recording]