How to Spice Up Your Starter App with a Custom Database Collection – Easy Peasy!

Hey there, friends!

🌟 We are back again with yet another fun and informative dive into the world of If you’ve been hanging out with us for a while, you know we’ve already covered some pretty cool features, like user registration via SMS and beefing up security with two-factor authentication. What’s on the agenda today, you ask? We’re going to get our hands dirty by adding a custom database collection to our App Starter project. It’s going to be epic, trust me! So buckle up, and let’s roll.

Kickstarting Your Database Collection

First off, we need a sweet spot to keep all our app data cozy and organized. Here’s the lowdown on setting up your very own database collection:

  • Jump into your account and open your project.
  • Click your way to the database tab and say hi to your Starter_DB.
  • Feeling adventurous? Let’s create a new collection by hitting “Create new collection” and teasing it with a catchy name (like “Tasks”).
  • Don’t forget to tick the “Secure collection” box under “Security and Permissions” for that extra layer of protection. Because, of privacy, right?
  • Save those settings, then shake things up a bit by adding some columns: name, date, priority, and userId.

Tweaking the App to Perfection

With our database set up, let’s give our app some flair:

  1. Page Creation Fun – Need more pages? Easy! Duplicate an existing one and dub it “Tasks”. It’s like magic, but you’re the wizard.
  2. Jazzing Up the Tasks Page – Time to get creative. Tweak your page to reflect your shiny new database. Think of it as giving your app a mini-makeover.
  3. Design Time – Head over to the DESIGN tab and let your inner artist loose. Rename stuff, add cool Text components for dates and priorities, and have a blast while you’re at it.

Making Tasks a Breeze

Let’s ensure adding or tweaking tasks is smooth as butter:

  • Clone a page for task management, and simply call it “Task.” Slick, huh?
  • Update labels and fields to make sure they’re talking about the right stuff—dates, priorities, you name it.

The Grand Finale: Testing and Tweaking

All set? Let’s hit that TEST button and take your masterpiece for a spin. Register or log in (if you haven’t already) and try adding some tasks. Edit them, delete them, dance with them – it’s your party!

After your testing fiesta, don’t forget to check your database to see your beautiful tasks resting there. It’s like sending your kids off to college – so proud, yet so emotional.

And That’s a Wrap

Look at you, rocking the scene with your custom database collection! Keep playing with it, mix things up, and find what makes your app heart sing.

I hope you had as much fun reading this as I had writing it. If you dig what we’re doing, smash that subscribe button and hang with us for more app-building adventures. Catch you on the flip side, and thanks a gazillion for watching! 🚀✨



Appery Database, a new Educational Video Guide unit, is on!

Having recently announced our third Educational Video Guide unit, we are excited to inform you that the fourth one, Appery Database, has already gone live!

Designed to address all possible database-related questions new users might have, this unit can also be extremely helpful to all our users.

Educational Video Guide. Unit 3: Appery Database

As you progress through this unit, you will learn how to create a new database with a custom collection and populate it with data, how to import and set up the predefined database services, what Models and Storages are for, how to define storage variables, and much more… Database

There are as many as six steps in total, and we bet if you follow them one by one, you will be able to create your own ToDo List application that allows you to add new records to the Database, list them on the screen, and select the needed entries for further updating them.

Unit 3: Appery Database

Note, that all the actions will take place both: in the app and in the database collection you create.

Well, now that you know how enjoyable learning difficult things can be, why not give it a shot?

PS All our educational series are also available on our YouTube Channel where we publish many useful videos, so, be sure to check it out!

Watch with pleasure and develop with joy!