We’re Happy to Announce a New App Builder Release!

We are happy to announce that our new App Builder release is live now! And this time it comes with a handful of new features, cool enhancements, and platform updates.

We hope you will enjoy all the new features, improvements, and updates listed below:

  • Appery.io Educational Video Guide where you will learn how to create a stunning UI for your first mobile app, get help on adding the needed features, debugging and testing it, and much more…

  • In conformity with the regulation from Google Play requiring that all apps meet target API level 31 (Android 12), all Android-built apps were successfully migrated to Android 12. No additional actions on your part are required.
  • Also, uploading custom launch images was discontinued in Android 12 as the system will always apply the new Android system default splash screen on cold and warm starts for all apps. Please check here for more details.
  • Auto Generation of iOS certificates was added to our platform which will significantly simplify building your apps for iOS.

  • A brand new FilePicker core component that allows you to quickly add file selection to your app.

  • Creating new app themes is now made more accessible and more user-friendly.

  • Please be informed that support of the projects created with Ionic 4 was discontinued. In this regard, we recommend that you consider effortless migrating your Ionic 4 project(s) to their Ionic 5 version. You are welcome to check out this page to learn how to do it.
  • And, finally, we would like to remind you that many of the 3rd party custom Cordova plug-ins that were previously released, but not timeously updated by their creators, can be broken or outdated and therefore not work as expected. Therefore, please be aware that every app created in Appery.io comes with Apache Cordova library installed and our users are free to add both plug-in types to their app(s):

    – Preconfigured Appery.io Cordova plug-ins (Core Cordova Plug-ins) that are verified to be up-to-date;

    Custom Cordova plug-ins installed independently. Unfortunately, some of these may not be compatible with the latest technologies which is an issue beyond our control and may require additional troubleshooting. You may consider purchasing one of our Support Pack services if you need help with integrating custom Cordova plug-in(s) into your app.

Thank you for using Appery.io and Happy Developing!

Your Appery.io Team