Minor and Awesome: What’s added with our New Release
Hi everyone!
We are thrilled to announce that last weekend, another Appery.io release successfully went live!
Let’s take a minute and look at the introduced features and check out how useful they are.
These include:
- Updated Disabled, Visible and Validation properties for the Ionic 5 UI components set;
- Improvements to working with variables;
- SendGrid and Mailgun Server Code plugins updates. We have also provided you with sample apps instructions for both SendGrid and Mailgun as well as with other relating documents so that you could start testing them yourself;
- Encoding to base64 is widely used for Basic authentication and it is now added to the Appery.io system libraries along with decoding, just in case. Check them out here for more details;
- Downloading file(s) from Media Manager;
- An extension on the set of icons that can be applied for iOS Apps binary:
- A modification to the Reorder component, so it is now easy to move and interact with components immediately after adding them:
That’s all for now, but stay tuned! We have more ideas on how to fulfill all of your Appery.io wish lists!