Upgrades with Custom Server Code, Source Editing in the Cloud, App Versiong and New Salesforce API Plug-ins

We just released a number of really awesome features. Check them out!

Server Code

The new Server Code is being added to integrated backend services that already includes a cloud Database and Push Notifications. The Server Code allows to write any custom app business logic using JavaScript without the need to build and maintain server infrastructure. The custom code is instantly exposed via REST API and can be quickly invoked from the app.


Source Code Editing

Ever since we launched our users have been asking if the generated app source can be edited without leaving the platform. Now the answer is yes. Any app files can be edited in the cloud without leaving the platform. Simple switch to the Source tab to start using this new features. We are planning to add more features to source editing. For now, once you start editing the source files, the changes will not be reflected in the visual view yet.

Visual editor:


Source code editor for the same page:


App Versioning


Did you ever want to save a particular app version or roll back to a previous working version?? Now you can. We have introduced a new version feature. At any point you can quickly create an app version and continue development. At any point you can quickly roll back to any previous version of your app.

Salesforce API Plug-ins


We made it very simple to build mobile apps with Salesforce API with two new plug-ins:

  • Salesforce Contacts API Sample App
  • Salesforce oAuth API

Both plug-ins take care of connecting to Salesforce via oAuth2 so you can start using the API immediately. . The Contacts API Sample plug-in includes a ready-to-run app that allows viewing, and editing Salesforce contacts. Use the plug-ins to learn how to use Salesforce API or a starting point for your mobile app. View detailed documentation on how to import  and use the plug-ins.