Building Mobile Apps with jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap [Webinar recording]

Our last we­binar, “Building Mobile Apps with jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap,” was a great suc­cess. If you missed it you can still get to a recording of it by fol­lowing the reg­is­tra­tion link and reg­is­tering (or just typing in your e-​​mail ad­dress if you’re al­ready registered.)


Also, fol­lowing up on a ques­tion from this last we­binar, we’re putting to­gether a we­binar on using the PhoneGap API in sched­uled for October 27th. Watch for more de­tails on the blog.

New Webinar Series: Bites (8/​4 and 8/​11)

In trying to figure out the best way to keep our com­mu­nity in­formed, we’ve de­cided to try some­thing dif­ferent. We try to put on webinars that span about an hour, but that’s a big chunk in someone’s day. We wanted to shoot for some­thing that would need less of a com­mit­ment — more like the length of a break. For us, this length of time would allow more focus and be easier to produce.

So, we’ve started a weekly se­ries of “ Bites” to zoom in on dif­ferent as­pects of as it con­tinues to evolve. Each one will last for no longer than 20 min­utes. Here’s what we’ve done so far and what’s on the schedule:

Topic Date/​Time
Collaborative Software Development in the Cloud Made Easy July 28, 2011 (11am Pacific Time) View recording.
Using the New Theme Editor in August 4, 2011 (11am Pacific Time) Register now!
Connecting More Easily to REST Services in Your Mobile Apps August 11, 2011 (11am Pacific Time) Register now!

This is only the be­gin­ning. We’ll be adding more topics in the next few months. Webinar: Collaborative Software Development in the Cloud Made Easy

UPDATE: Due to schedule conflict, this event has been cancelled.

If you’ve ever designed a user interface as part of a large team or for a customer, you know how valuable it is to get a prototype out there for feedback as soon as possible. Mockup tools, although helpful, only provide a static, not an interactive, view of the UI.

Join us to learn about for Prototypes – a Web-based tool for easily building and sharing interactive HTML prototypes for Web and mobile applications. These application prototypes not only look like the real applications, but also behave like the applications.

This webinar will walk through several examples, so you can see how easy it really is. In this webinar, we will learn about for Prototypes’ Web components, mobile components (based on jQuery Mobile), Web Preview, sharing, events/actions, templates, and much more using prototypes we build online. At the end, we’ll also give you a brief sneak peek of Mobile Application Builder and Mobile Tester.

Title: Collaborative Software Development in the Cloud Made Easy
Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PDT
Register now: