Prototypes Builder Trials for Beta Users Ending on Sept. 22

Early adopters of (reg­is­tered be­fore June 15, 2011) re­ceived a com­pli­men­tary 3-​​month sub­scrip­tion to the Prototypes Builder Professional Plan. On September 22, 2011, this trial pe­riod will end. Starting on September 22, these users will have the fol­lowing op­tions when they log in to

  1. Continue using the Professional Plan with un­lim­ited projects and un­lim­ited screens by pro­viding billing in­for­ma­tion and paying $15/​month/​user going forward.
  2. Downgrade to the Free Plan with ac­cess to your last edited project and 5 screens in the project.
  3. Deactivate your Prototypes Builder ac­count (ac­count data will still be kept for 30 days).

We hope they all choose op­tion #1!