App Builder Now Remembers the Size and State of Panels and Editors for Better Developer Experience
One of the biggest pet peeves developers have is when they lose configurations, settings or default views they set in their development tools and need to reconfigure everything again. We are happy to share with you that we solved one of these pet peeves. When working in App Builder, the platform now remembers the size and state (open/close) of the following panels:
- Properties panel
- Components panel
- Outline panel
- Open/close state for an editor, including sub-tabs inside the particular editor
- Events panel (jQuery Mobile app)
This means if you resized the Properties panel or the Events panel and come back to this app, the App Builder will remember the settings you set for these panels. If you opened four tabs to edit pages and come back to edit this app in two days, we will remember what pages you have opened and will also remember which sub-tab you had opened (Design/Scope/Binding for AngularJS and Design/Data for jQuery Mobile).
A quick note on where this information is saved. The settings are stored in browser’s local storage. This means if you open the app in another browser/computer, your previously saved settings on another browser/computer will not be applied.
We think this is a great improvement and greatly improves the developer experience. Try it today and let us know what you think.