New Weather API and Geolocation App Example

Since we know developers love examples, we’ve just added one more! When you create a new app, you can base it on the new Weather API and Geolocation Example.

When you create a new app, click “More Create Options” to see the list of available examples:

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The example app demonstrates a number of features:

  1. How to use a 3rd part API – Weather Underground. You do need go sign up for a free developer account and set the API key.
  2. How to use the Geolocation service.
  3. How to handle different service responses (when an airport is found or not).
  4. How to show UI components on page based on a condition.

The app works in two modes. First, you can enter any 3-letter airport code to show the weather information:

Second, instead of using the airport code, you can also use the Geolocation service. It will determine your location and use that to show the weather information (for this to work in a web browser, make sure to allow location tracking for the domain

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Happy app development in the cloud!