Webinar: Appery.io Plugins – The Pre-packaged Approach to Consuming REST APIs in jQuery Mobile App

Appery.io Mobile App Builder stands out in how easy it is to in­cor­po­rate REST ser­vices with public APIs into mo­bile apps. Appery.io now makes it even easier by prepack­aging the steps you would go through to con­nect an app to a ser­vice as plug-​​ins. Along with this new plug-​​in fea­ture for easy code re-​​use, get a peek at our new Service Catalog we’ll be growing with pre-​​packaged ver­sions of pop­ular and useful APIs. Also, see the re-​​designed Visual Data Mapper.

Join our in­ter­ac­tive we­binar to learn all about these ex­citing fea­tures. We’ll be building an app in min­utes, and at­ten­dees will be able to try the app on their de­vices as it’s being built.

Appery.io Plug-​​ins: The Pre-​​packaged Approach to Consuming APIs
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
11am US Pacific Time
Register: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/949571032

See our last we­binar on YouTube!